in the car Caroline calls me
"Where are you?" I ask "did you make it to that thing with your dads boyfriends daughter?"
Caroline groans "storm washed out Route five. Now I'm detoured on some random backwoods path to hell"
I have to laugh at that "Maybe you shouldn't be talking to me while driving"
"I know" she admits "I need one of those little Bluetooth thingies"
"Or...." I start "I could just get you a new car where your phone hook to it"
Caroline groans "You are not buying me a new car before you get yourself one"
my nose scrunches "so the requirement to me buying you a car is that I have to get one for myself as well?" I chuckle "done. On the backroad thing just turn around. Call me if you need help getting out...I'll snag Damon's car to come get you"
"Okay" Caroline whispers
"And you say I'm whipped" Damon mutters under his breath so only I could hear it
if only you knew the truth
when we get there Alaric gets in and then opens the door to see the old lady
"Oh, I'm sorry" the lady says "They're not allowed in the house"
"I know that" Saltz says "But you've gotta make an exception"
"Just push her out here" I say "come on man think"
he does just that
I grab her "Is anyone set to inherit the house after you die?"
"no" she answers
"good" Damon says before snapping her neck
we enter the house
"You were supposed to compel her" Saltz says
"It doesn't work that way..." Damon says
well...I could of but...
"she is human" Saltz argues
"and we are not" I growl cutting him off "get out of here and take the damn body"
Damon and I successfully sneak down to where Stefan is being held
when I go to kill the extra guy Stefan makes a huge fuss so I leave him
"Whatever" Damon says "Let's get you down"
"There's vervain on the ropes" Stefan tells
I huff pulling the ropes making him fall groaning
"Come on" I whisper
"Wait" Stefan says then pulls the stakes out of the other ones legs
Damon and I pull Stefan out in the hall
I hear people start coming down the stairs
turning to Damon I say "Take Stefan to the car and leave"
"What about you" Damon whisper yells at me
"Don't worry about me" I say "They don't call me the Ripper for nothing you know"
he finally nods taking Stefan out the back way
going up the stairs I break necks left and right
until I get to the living room where Frederick and a couple others are "Hello"
they jump turning to me
one tries to rush me only to get his heart ripped out
vampires come out of no where and start coming at me

The Lost Mikaelson
Fanfictionseven hundred years ago the youngest living Mikaelson ran away from his siblings. Five hundred and forty years after that the young Original meets a nine year old Stefan Salvatore and a sixteen year old Damon Salvatore. Damon and Stefan became fast...