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Stefan and Damon are leaving today or so they say they are. Stefan has the idea that if he leaves Elena will be safe. How utterly wrong is he. My brother will come whether he is here or not....it's go nothing to do with him. She was just born with bad luck. Pertaining to Caroline...leaving would be better for her. I can't do it though....I'm to selfish


"So any idea of where you'll go?" Stefan asks

I hum "It's funny you two still think you're leaving"

they both glare at me

"I don't know" Damon says "London, maybe. See some friends"

I snort as Stefan says "You don't have any friends, Damon"

"You're right, Stefan. I only have the two of you" he turns towards the windows "So, where we goin'?"

"I'm staying here" I state

"And we are not going anywhere" Stefan states "I'm gonna live my life as far away from you as possible"

Damon turns and walks towards Stefan and I. He looks at me "You can't live without Stefan and I" then he turns towards Stefan "But we're a team! We could travel the world together. We could try out for the 'amazing race'"

I blink at him "I lived a long time before you"

"You're so funny" Stefan fake laughs "Seriously, where are you going? Because we are not staying in this town"

"I am though" I state

the doorbell rings

I go open the door because I was closest

Caroline's mom blinks at me "I'm here to see Damon"

"Uh, sure" I look inside the house "DAMON"

he walks over with a scowl "Go away, Skule, little brother"

that's when I walk out the door


"I still can't believe you fell asleep" I scoff "At the best part"

"Do you really think Celine Dion waltzing about Cancer is the best part" Caroline laughs "It's so sad.....it makes me cry"

"Well...the loud judge guy kept screaming reminded me of my bio father" I say "I turned it off"

Caroline stops in front of me "I sat through the cabinet of Dr. Caligari. It's in black and white and I hate horror movies" she pokes my chest "You owe me"

a smirk forms on my face "We could be doing other things then watching movies"

she laughs pulling me into Math class

somehow I got trapped into playing with Basketball with Tyler and Matt

"So, What's up with you and Forbes?" Tyler asks

Matt shoots the ball "You two look awful cozy"

"I like her" I state "she likes me" grabbing the ball

"So you're tapping that" Tyler laughs

Matt groans "Do you have to be discusting"

I laugh at them "I wish but Caroline wants to take it slow"

"So are you we people now?" Tyler asks as I shoot the ball

Tyler grabs it

"What is we people" Matt questions

"Yeah" Tyler answers "we can't make it to the party, we'll never miss a game, we don't like the color red"

"I wouldn't mind being we people with Caroline" I answer

Tyler shoots the basket scoring, Matt catches it

"Called it" Tyler says "You're one of those gushy guys"


"What do you want to be?" Elena asks me walking over from Matt

I chuckle "When I was human...you just were. One had their own land, built their own house, got married, and had kids. I did love the stars though. When Astronomy came about I became an Astronomer"

"How old are you?" Elena questions

that causes me to smile at her "I've been a lot of things but the stars have always been a passion of mine"

"How come I've never heard of a Skule before" she asks

"Laying low" I tell "Don't ask anymore questions"

Stefan comes up to me "Logan Fell is a vampire" he whispers in my ear "He has Caroline"

with that we're gone

he stops at the intersection pulling him out of the car

"Payback's a bitch, isn't it?" Damon asks walking up with a gun he shoots it at him

"Take Caroline home" I tell Stefan "Nine times out of ten she won't remember this"

Damon picks up Fell's phone

I grip his throat "Who turned you?"

it would be easier if I could compel him but that would freak Damon out

"I told you I don't know" Fell chokes

my hand on his throat grips harder as my other hand grips his heart "I could kill you in a heartbeat. Are you sure that's your final answer?"

Damon continues to stare at me

"How can you side with them" Fell chokes out

"I don't" I laugh "You hurt Caroline....I want you dead. Who turned you?"

"I don't know" Fell screams

with one move I literally rip his head off

"Sometimes I forget how strong you actually are" Damon says putting blood on the tire iron "Ripped his damn head off"

Caroline's mother pulls up

"What happened" she asks "Who is this Damon"

"This is one of my little brother's, Skule" Damon answers "He killed Logan. Fell was about to kill me when he took the tire iron and took his head off. You mind if I just uh take him home?"

he grabs me

I look him straight in the eye "I have to check on Caroline"

"Tomorrow" Damon says 'dragging' me along


The next morning I go knock on Caroline's front door

her mother opens it "Skule"

"Sheriff Forbes" I say back "Caroline is here right"

"Yes" she says "So you know about...."

"What goes bump in the night" I finish "Yes, don't worry I won't tell her"

Sheriff nods at me "Come in"

I walk straight up the stairs and into her room

Caroline has only panties and a brawl on

"Well" I start making her jump around "I expected a warm welcome but not this"

she rolls her eyes "This is why you knock.....mom let you in?" she puts clothes on

"Yup" I pop "You didn't have to do that....I quite liked what you had on"

Caroline throws her pillow at my face

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