Rebekah has us watching her practice
I would rather be doing anything else but Sofia says we need to support her
support her my ass she's a thousand years old
the latest doppelganger walks up to us
"You" Rebekah sneers "goody"
"Now, Bekah" Sofia approaches "be nice; It's not her fault she looks like the trollop and caught Stefan's attention"
I giggle
"I was hoping to talk to you three" Elena says
"About? How about you tell me where Stefan is" I smirk "Or are you here to warn Rebekah off him because that's over"
Rebekah scoffs "on who's orders"
"Nik's" I laugh
"I'd rather talk about this" Elena says holding up a picture of our names "I'm curious why you three and Klaus have spend a thousand years running from your father"
I lean in to her getting as close as possible "That's not something you should worry about darling"
Rebekah and Sofia are freaking out
"Well then, maybe I'll ask Mikael when we wake him" Elena fires
oh boy
"You're bluffing" Rebekah yells "You don't know where he is. No one does"
"So, then who's rotting in that old cemetery in Charlotte"
"If you wake Mikael, we are all doomed" Sofia cries
I grab Elena by the shirt
"Hurt me and we'll wake him" she says
"Maybe I'll risk waking him" I whisper in her ear "if I get the luxury of killing you"
Flashback-1000 years ago
Kol and I are standing back watching Nik and Elijah sword fight
back when I actually liked Elijah
Elijah is winning obviously
Bekah and Henrik come running up
my wedding was a month ago
she's spending the day with her siblings so I'm spending the day with mine
"Oh look, our sister has arrived to watch my fast approaching victory" Elijah cheers
"On the contrary, Elijah" Nik laughs cutting his belt "she's come to laugh at you"
"Please, Elijah is winning" I claim
Kol laughs out "I feel like Nik is going to win this time"
Mother and Father walk up to us laughing
"Relax, Mikael" mother says "Niklaus means well"
"That is precisely my problem" father gleams
father approaches Niklaus and Elijah, takes Elijah's sword, and turns to Nik
"So, why don't you teach me that trick, young warrior?" Father growls
then he begins sword fighting with Nik
Niklaus dodges "father, we were just having fun"
oh that was the wrong thing to say
father continues to swing the sword "we fight for our survival! And you find time for fun?! I want to have fun! Teach me! Come on!"

The Lost Mikaelson
Fanfictionseven hundred years ago the youngest living Mikaelson ran away from his siblings. Five hundred and forty years after that the young Original meets a nine year old Stefan Salvatore and a sixteen year old Damon Salvatore. Damon and Stefan became fast...