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Enzo and I were on our own, Damon went off with some lady

We decided to go to another bar we heard of, Gloria's

"Your mate, Damon, is a downer" Enzo says

a laugh comes out of my mouth "He fancy himself in love with this girl who he thinks is desiccating somewhere"

Enzo laughs as well "You are evil you know that"

"Oh, Enzo, I invented the term" I murmur

we walk in the bar

the first person I see is my lovely sister, Rebekah

"She's something" Enzo whispers

"My sister" I say "If you see a man in a really expensive looking suit, another one that looks like he might kill you and akin to me, or one who thinks he's slicker then everything run the other way. I'll get us a seat"

"I'll get the drinks" Enzo says

Rebekah walks up to me "Wouldn't Nik and Sofia like to know you're here"

I hum "they won't know....how is Stefan?"

"You know Stefan?" she gasps

"Yes" I tell "I turned him...poor sod got shot by his father. Anyway, if you tell Niklaus or Sofia that I'm here I will turn Stefan against you"

she stares at me "Alright, you have yourself a deal. Although, I wouldn't come back here"

Enzo comes back with our drinks "Mate, your sister is a real doll"

a smile forms towards Enzo "Rebekah this is a friend of mine"

Enzo kisses her hand "Lorenzo St. John but you may call me Enzo"

Rebekah sits right beside me and kisses my cheek "Missed you, little brother, even if your friend is him"


we enter Gloria's bar

"Looks familiar, doesn't it?" Niklaus asks

"I can't believe this place is still here" Stefan whispers

"You got to be kidding me" Gloria herself says


Niklaus smiles creepily at her

"So a hybrid walks into a bar, says to the bartender..."

"Stop" Gloria commands "You may be invincible, but that doesn't make you funny" then she looks at Stefan "I remember you"

"Yeah" Stefan agrees "You're Gloria. Shouldn't you be..."

"Old and dead?" the witch finishes "Now if I die, who's going to run this place, huh?" she looks at me "If it isn't the witch killer himself back in town. What is it with you and the originals? First I see you with Rebekah and now with Klaus"

"Is that what the witches call me?" I question "Besides babe, I'm an original too. You really shouldn't be trying to get Rebekah and I in trouble"

Niklaus looks lil pissed

"Stefan, Skule, why don't you go and fix us up a little something from behind the bar" Niklaus instructs

"Actually I'll meet you back here later...I have a few haunts I want to revisit" I tell "don't worry I'll come back; wouldn't want to leave you and Stefan alone for long"

then I take off

walking into my favorite bar

"If it isn't my fuck buddy" Bob says

I smirk "Oh, Bobbie I have missed you"

"Come for a quickie?" he questions "Because I am so down for that"

with a slash of my hand I sling the chair, the only thing between Bob and I, away and speed to him "You bet your tight little ass I am"


"How long are we going to dance around your pets?" Bob sighs "Why are we dancing around them?"

a shrug comes from me "It's fun isn't it" then I caress his member "Or do you want to stop"

"No" he whines "more"

my smile turns into an arrogant smirk holding an empty bottle "You're going to have be your own lube because you have ran out" that's when he descends on my big friend with his hot mouth


I set on the bar when Niklaus and Stefan walks in

"Where's Rebekah or Sofia?" Gloria asks

I turn abruptly "Why would Sofia be anywhere but in her coffin?"

"They'll be here" Niklaus claims "I can't conjure them on demand" then he walks towards me "You smell like sex"

I smirk at him "Well..."

"Wonder what Sofia will think" Niklaus says

"Who cares" I whistle "she's a whore, mate"

he sighs sitting a seat away

"Last call" Gloria calls "Dink 'em up"

Damon sits between Niklaus and I

"I see they've opened the doors to the riff-raff now" my brother scoffs

"Oh, honey, I've been called worse" Damon says then looks at me "I miss you, Skule"

"You don't give up, do you?" Niklaus groans

"Give me my brother and best friend back...you'll never have to see me again" Damon fires

"Well, I am torn. You see, I promised Skule and Stefan I wouldn't let you die, but how many freebies did I really sign up for? And clearly you want to die, otherwise you wouldn't be here, so..."

"What can I say?" Damon smirks "I learned from the best" he motions to me

that's when Niklaus grabs his throat lifting his off the floor "Oh, dear, what was that? I'm boozey, so you'll forgive me if I miss your heart the first few tries" then stabs him in the stomach with a toothpick

"SKULE" Damon shouts

"You're the idiot" I shrug

Niklaus throws him backwards making Damon crash on the table "You won't be any fun after you're dead"

then the stake in Niklaus hand catches on fire

"Really?" he groans throwing it away

"Not in my bar" Gloria says "You take it outside"

Damon tries to get up but Niklaus pushes him back down "You don't have to negotiate your brother's freedom. When I'm done with him, he won't want to go back. For my brother; after him and his wife get back together he won't ever come back"


Niklaus enters the warehouse he chooses to keep our siblings and the two whores in

"So your wife huh" Stefan teases "What about Caroline?"

my eyes roll "Damon told me that she's dating the wolf, and plus we broke up"

"You can come in" Niklaus says

we both walk in

"Stefan..." Rebekah says

Sofia just stares at me

sighing I walk over ignoring Rebekah, Niklaus, and Stefan's moment "Hello, wife"

her eyes tear up "....Skule" then she flings herself at me

my arms don't move "get off me, trollop"

tears are going down my face "Please let me explain....I love you"

I turn away "Can we go now?"

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