Caroline's mother some how found out she was a vampire then she found out about everyone else
I'm kind of afraid to face her
anyway, I can't find Katherine
Damon and Alaric know where she is but won't spill
Stefan approaches me from where I'm sitting listening to Caroline go on about her mother "I need to talk to you"
my eyes go to Caroline who smiles "go"
getting up we walk a bit away from her
"Tyler bit Damon" Stefan tells "I think Klaus has the cure but uh I don't want to approach him alone"
I take his shoulder "Klaus is going to ask for something you know this right?"
he nods
"I would say your goodbye's just in case" I whisper "I will be"
"So you'll ask?" he says shily
boy, he throws me through a loop sometimes
"Of course, Stefano" I whisper "sempre e per sempre"
he smiles at me "sempre e per sempre"
we part so I can go back to Caroline
"I-uh" try
"I heard" she says "You think your brother is going to make you go with him"
I don't say anything
she kisses me "You should go....I know how much Stefan and Damon mean to you."
"I don't want you to wait for me" I claim
Caroline chuckles "as much as I love you I wasn't about to be abstinent"
biting my lip my hand goes down her side "I'm gonna miss you, love"
we kiss one last time before I get up and walk away
Stefan and I go to Alaric's apartment
guess who is there....Katherine
"Hello, darling" I say
she shoots up but can't move back from me as I go towards her
"I've been waiting for two days" she says "I'm suppose to be free of Klaus' compulsion"
I chuckle "did you really think Elijah was going to kill him?"
"We need to find Klaus" Stefan says "Do you have any idea where he might be"
she pushes us against the wall
the door opens and my lovely older brothers walk in
"Klaus, you're back" she chirps trying to get farther away from me "Look who decided to come for a visit"
they see us
"You just keep popping up, don't you" Klaus says to Stefan
"We uh need your help for Damon" I utter trying not to sneer
"Well, whatever it is, it's gonna have to wait a tick" Klaus smirks in my direction "You see, I have an obligation to Elijah here that requires me immediate attention"
Elijah looks at us with his noble ass look "You understand how important family is, well one of you. My brother gave me his word that he would reunite me with my own"
I groan "for goodness sake Klaus just fucking dagger him already"
that's exactly what he does
then he goes to zoom to Stefan before I stand in front of him "That is not necessary, big brother"
Klaus sighs stepping back "What is it you want?"
"The witches said you had a cure" Stefan explains "Make a deal with us. We need the cure, and we're prepared to do whatever it takes"
Klaus is staring at me "I want to hear it from my brother"
I knew this was coming
"I dislike you" I mutter looking at him "Would you pretty please make a deal with us for the apparent cure for a wolfy bite. We're-I'm prepared to do anything"
he licks his lips "Even forgive me? Come back to the family? Forgive Sofia?"
"I'll forgive you, I'll stay around you as long as Steffi has too, but I won't forgive that slut" I state
Klaus walks to the fridge and pours himself some blood "The trouble is you're not the brother I know. You're not the Original Ripper. And Stefan here the way he is....the two of you are just shy of useless"
he walks over to us
"Of course, the Original ripper who slaughtered many with us but slaughtered billions when he left. I also heard about this one vampire, crazy bloke, always on and off the wagon for decades. When he was off he was magnificent. 1917, he went into Monterrey and wiped out an entire migrant village...a true ripper. Sound familiar?"
I look at him with raised eyebrows "That's what you were doing while I was with Damon in the 10s and 20s"
"I haven't been that way since Skule showed back up" Stefan grumps "He showed me a better way"
"Well, those are the vampires I can make a deal with" Klaus shrugs "That is the kind of talent that I can use when I leave this town"
Stefan looks at me frightened
"Katerina, come here" Klaus orders which she does then he bites her bites his wrist and shoves it in her mouth
she heals
"You two want your cure?" Klaus taunts "There it is"
"Your blood is the cure" Stefan states
"I hate mother nature" I mutter "I hate mothers in general"
"Can uh Skule and I speak alone?" Stefan asks "I have to confer with him"
Klaus goes to get a knife while Stefan comes closer to me
"I've never seen you as a ripper" Stefan whispers "how bad is it? How do you turn it on and off?"
"Will" I say "Father taught me how to have a strong will. I just have to let it go. Think you but ten times worse"
Stefan pales some
"We're doing this right?" I question
"Are we?" he questions back
"He's Damon" I say "He's our brother-"
"sempre e per sempre" Stefan finishes "I know, you always taught us that"
he goes to walk to Klaus
I stop him "You have to promise me something"
"Do not let Caroline see me like that" I gulp "Please. I do like her"
"I won't" Stefan states
we walk over to Klaus "We'll do it"

The Lost Mikaelson
Fanfictionseven hundred years ago the youngest living Mikaelson ran away from his siblings. Five hundred and forty years after that the young Original meets a nine year old Stefan Salvatore and a sixteen year old Damon Salvatore. Damon and Stefan became fast...