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I wake up first

Caroling is clinging to me; holding me down

getting out for me would be easy but I would rather stay here in this embrace

I win

she grabs me tighter before her eyes flutter open jumping away

"We're you watching me sleep?" is the first thing she asks

I let me face go neutral as I look up and down her nude form "of course not that would be creepy" then I smirk just a little

she throws a pillow at my face putting on my shirt "Stop; I can't be mad at you when you're being all cute. We need to have a serious conversation"

"My shirt looks cute on you" I compliment which doesn't amuse her "Fine; what you want to know"

"You said it was an arranged marriage"

"For me yes" I state "for her not so much. Her father wanted her to marry for love but he also wanted the heir to everything Mikaelson to be her husband"

where the fuck do I come up with this shit

"You aren't the oldest though" she interrupts

"I was the favorite" I point out "Anyway, father sent me with the task to have her fall for me. She did....I grew to like her like you would a best friend but love?"

Caroline sputters "You said you caught her kissing one of your brothers?"

"When I pulled the dagger-a thing Nik uses to make us sleep for long periods of time-out of myself I went to find her. Even though I didn't love her I wanted to live up to my vows even if it made me miserable. I was going to get her and leave for just a bit as a fuck you Nik I escaped thing. A couple weeks or something. I found her with Nik in the sitting room....Nik had her against the wall with his tongue down her throat. She was kissing back-had her hands in his hair"

she stares at me for a moment "What a slut"

laughs erupt from my mouth "Are you still mad at me...."

"You waited a long time to tell me...." she sighs then smiles at my bare chest "I could be persuaded not to be"

before she can back off I jump on her

I win


some she-wolf and her pack kidnapped Caroline

I should of went to school with her

damn it, your siblings could be here any minute, you gotta stay with her

I walk out from behind Stefan and Damon "Little doggies" I start "I would give my Caroline back...before you regret living....no need to risk your pack for some dumb kid"

"HEY" Tyler snaps

"Give us Caroline" Damon states "Even at a full moon Skule could beat your ass"

"I'm not so sure about that, tough guy" the she-wolf whistles and the rest of her pack walks out with weapons

none of which will do shit to me

I laugh "I'm an original, sweetheart....non of this will do anything to me. Now I'm in a good mood so I'll ask nicely one more time"

"Give us Tyler" the she-wolf says once again

with one push Tyler goes crashing into their camper

"Which one of you killed Mason" another wolf asks

I sigh internally "Me"

Stefan and Damon stare at me

"Boys, make sure that one suffers"

the wolf shoots me with a stake but it does nothing

I rush the wolf and pull out his heart

all hell breaks loose

then the funniest thing happens they all fall on the ground in pain

"Elijah made a promise to Elena" the witch says "I'm here to see it's upheld. You need to go. Get out of here. Now"

my eyes involuntarily roll "Tell Elijah that he should stay the fuck out of my business....nosy ass brothers" then I speed into the camper

Caroline is crying and wolf boy isn't moving

"well...well...well" I say "After everything she's done for you.....wolves can never be trusted" then I open the door to the cage Caroline's in "come on, love"

when she gets out I scoop her up bridal style and kiss the side of her head "I'm sorry...sorry...sorry"

she cries into my neck as I vamp us to her house

once there I drawl her a bath, take her clothes off, and put her in

then I get started taking the little tiny wood shards out of her

"Why does this happen to me" she cries

"I don't know, my love" I whisper taking out the last piece "I killed the wolf that came out of the camper"

she stops crying to look at me dead in the eyes then bust out laughing

okay....what the hell is going on....

"Love, I'm confused" I admit

then I'm all of a sudden in the water with her

"That was a mean trick" I state taking off my clothes "and now you're going to have to pay for it"

a giggle escapes her as she tries to look fearful

once my clothes are off my lips meet hers

after a while there's a nock at the door

Caroline's asleep so I go answer it

Stefan, Bonnie, and Elena are out there

"May I help you?" I ask leaning on the door

Bonnie who is covering her eyes says "You could put on some clothes....no one wants to see you in just your boxers"

with a chuckle I zoom back in the room putting my pants back on then zoom back

"We came to slumber it with Caroline" Elena says

my smirk widens "She's asleep....I think I wore her out"

Bonnie rolls her eyes at me before going in the house but decides to look at me "You can leave with Stefan"

Elena follows her in

I look between their retreating form and Stefan who shrugs

I follow them to where they're waking Caroline up

she jumps up very naked

my hands fling to Stefan's eyes to cover them

"What are you two doing?" Caroline asks covering herself up

"Slumbering it" Bonnie says "But now I know way to much about the two of you"

Caroline smile sticking my shirt on "really?"

Elena nods enthusiastically "but you have to change your sheets"

after pushing Stefan out of the room I approach her

she puts her mouth on mine

I kiss back

"I'll see you tomorrow, love" I whisper

The Lost MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now