"Where's my necklace?" Rebekah yells "Sofia, sister, do you have it?"
"No, of course not" she answers
"Tell me that's not what she needs, Rebekah" Niklaus rages
Niklaus, Stefan, and I are at a clothing store drinking champagne while the girls try on clothes
"There has to be more to this dress" Rebekah complains
"There's not" Niklaus sighs
Rebekah comes bounding out of the fitting room wearing a skimpy black dress that looks horrible on her "So women in the 21st century dress like prostitutes, then?"
"Only the good ones" I answer back with a smirk
"I got dirty looks for wearing trousers" Rebekah huffs "Poor Sofia wouldn't wear pants because she knew my whore brother likes her in dresses and skirts" she gives me a dirty look
"You wore trousers so women today could wear nothing" Niklaus chuckles
"And what is this music?" Rebekah scoffs "It sounds like a cable car accident"
"It's dance music" Stefan answers
"People dance to this?" Rebekah huffs
I sigh "you complain to much"
"Are we done?" Niklaus snaps
"And why are you so grumpy?" Rebekah asks
"I needed one thing from you for my witch to find out why my hybrids are dying, one thing" Klaus growls "Your necklace. And you lost it"
"Yes, because Rebekah's life is meant to please you" I roll my eyes
Rebekah smiles at me "And this is why I missed you, Skule. Now, only if you would get back with Sofia" then she asks "So what do you think?"
"I like it" Stefan lies badly
"Wow" I whistle "we need to work on your lying"
"What?" Stefan groans "I said I like it"
"I can always tell when you're lying, Stefan" Rebekah claims going back into the fitting room
"Nice one" Niklaus groans "Good work" then he looks at me "Why did you not teach him to lie better?"
I flip him off
"You're the one that pulled the dagger out of her" Stefan huffs
"I heard that" Rebekah yells midwhisper to my wife
"All right" Stefan sighs "I'm going to get some fresh air" then leaves
"Why does he get to leave" I whisper to Niklaus "And we are stuck here?"
he chuckles at me
Rebekah walks back out in red "So?" she asks me "I know you won't lie to me"
"You look beautiful, big sister" I say
she claps "Now be prepared for Sofia; she looks like a goddess"
"I don't know Rebekah" her soft voice comes out from the curtain "It shows a lot of skin" then she gets quieter like we still wouldn't be able to here "What if he tells me I'm ugly"
Niklaus hits me and gestures up
with a sigh I say "Just come out, Sofia, I promise I won't be mean to you while we are here"

The Lost Mikaelson
Fanfictionseven hundred years ago the youngest living Mikaelson ran away from his siblings. Five hundred and forty years after that the young Original meets a nine year old Stefan Salvatore and a sixteen year old Damon Salvatore. Damon and Stefan became fast...