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Bonnie walks in the house

"Hey" Caroline says

"I got Skule's message" she says "We killing the bitch?"

I am bad influence on her

mostly everyone rolls their eyes on what she just said

"You should stop hanging out with Skule" Stefan says "It's rotting your brain"

I smack the back of his head making him look at me

"Hand slipped" I say

Alaric walks in the room with some vampire gun killing thing

"This works with compressed air. The trigger mechanism is up here. I have two of these in a different bag. For you I recommend this" then hands Bon a smaller looking thing "It fits nicely under the jacket sleeve. You use the trigger when you're ready" then fake kills a vampire "You wanted me to show you how to kill a vampire"


"Are you sure you guys don't want me there tonight" Alaric asks for the thousandth time

"No, I need you to stay with Elena" Stefan says "I don't want her to know about this"

"Okay" Alaric sighs "Well, I'll make sure she doesn't leave my sight"

I look straight into his eyes "You better because if she shows up and causes my thousand dollar suit to get ruined I'm going to be pissed"

Caroline smacks my head "be nice"

"If anybody wants ot back out, I'll understand" Stefan announces

"Cold feet speak now" Damon says "I don't want this going wrong if someone chicken's out. Caroline"

"She won't" I growl "We should be worried about the wicked witch"

Bonnie flips me off "up yours"

I smirk in her face "Gonna whip one out then?"

Bonnie gets in my face as well "Yup"

"I swear your two's friendship is weird" little Gilbert says

my arm snakes around Bon "Jealous, Gilbert?"

Bonnie smacks my hand away "I swear training you has become a chore"

"Hasn't it" Caroline agrees

then everyone else agrees

"Rude" I grumble sitting back down beside Caroline


Stefan, Damon, and I are standing inside the empty room where we're going to kill one of my old toys

"I put the body in the trunk for now" Stefan tells

"We'll dump her when we get back" Damon sighs

"This is exactly what I didn't want it, Damon" Stefan grumps

"It was collateral damage" I state looking out the window

"Right, which is why we need to call it off" Stefan claims

I look to him "We're doing this with or without you"

"She ruined our lives, she destroyed us" Damon states "We can do this"

"All right" Stefan says

after a bit Katherine walks in with Caroline standing right outside the door

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