we, meaning Caroline and I, are painting a banner for the dance
"you look sexy" I whisper in her ear as she's covered in paint
Care scoffs "Don't talk smack, Salvatore" then swipes the paintbrush on my arm getting paint on me
"I see how it is, love" I hold the paintbrush at her as she starts backing away "I didn't know you did your own dirty work; I thought you just told others what to do. A true queen"
she hums going back to painting "I do that too, but if you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself. You know, I just like that we're hanging out. You know?"
"Well" I say "We're both fun people"
Caroline giggles at me
"So what are you wearing to this dumb dance, anyway?" Care asks "Should we color-coordinate?"
"I wasn't planning on going" I admit
"Why not"
"No my show but if you want me to go..." I trail off "I'll give you my card and you can buy us both outfits"
she stops to turn to me "You're just giving my you card....with all your money on it"
"I don't see why not" I say "You can also buy whatever you want"
she launches herself at me "You are the best"
she has me wearing an ugly grey suit with suspenders
I didn't like fifty's clothes in the fifty's and I sure don't like it now
it's worth it though because she looks hot in her red polka dotted dress
we're dancing
Elena brought both Stefan and Damon
about a half hour after Caroline drags me towards Bonnie at the punch bowl
"Having fun" Elena asks approaching us
"Yes" Caroline says twirling in my arms
I smile at her
"What's Damon doing here?" Bonnie asks
Elena sighs "He wanted to come. I promise. He'll behave"
"So what is this?" Caroline scoffs leaning into me "A threesome? You and the older Salvatore brothers?"
I chuckle putting my arm around her pulling her closer
"No, but if I'm gonna be with Stefan, then I have to learn to tolerate his brothers. It's not like I can kill him" Elena jokes
"That's a thought" Bonnie says staring at Damon
Caroline huffs looking at me "Elena has a point I guess"
"Are you sure?" Caroline asks for the thousandth time
"It's fine" I say again "I'm not your owner, love. Go have fun with Bonnie or whatever you do"
she hugs me tightly "Thank you" then leaves
Elena gets lead through the door
Stefan, Damon, and I follow behind
Stefan rips him off Elena as she's screaming
My hand plunges into him, Damon pops up behind me
"Hey, dickhead" Damon says "Nobody wants to kill you, well, besides Skule here"

The Lost Mikaelson
Fanfictionseven hundred years ago the youngest living Mikaelson ran away from his siblings. Five hundred and forty years after that the young Original meets a nine year old Stefan Salvatore and a sixteen year old Damon Salvatore. Damon and Stefan became fast...