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Klaus smiles brightly putting a ten gallon bucket of blood bags in front of me "You will finish all of these"

"You know I will" I growl before looking at Stefan "Before I start this I'm going to apologize before hand because I'm a bit of a Níðingr"

he blinks at me

"It's a word from old Norse" I mutter taking the first blood bag in my hand "It means scoundrel" then I close my eyes

I feel it my will

just one flick and it's gone


opening my eyes I see the blood and I tear into it

then I black out

when I come back Stefan looks distraught, Klaus looks joyful, and Katherine is gone

I can't bring myself to care "Don't look so vampr" then I see Klaus "Niklaus, it's been awhile"

"Oh, yes, my true brother" Niklaus says "I've missed you"

before he knows what's happening I have a chair leg in his stomach "Maybe you should have thought about that before becoming a thief" then I pick up Elijah "Let's go put him in his coffin"


Klaus is staring at Elijah in his coffin

these are nice coffins though

"I suppose, brother, you've been reunited with our family" Niklaus says all creepy

"Creepy" I say approaching a coffin opening the lid

what do I see my whore of a wife

"Is this your wife?" Stefan questions

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"Is this your wife?" Stefan questions

"Unfortunately" I hum "You think people would pay to be with her? She is beautiful and is really good at sex"

Stefan's face scrunches "You want to be her pimp?"

I shrug laughing "maybe"

Stefan looks at his phone

"I'm hungry" I complain

Niklaus hums "So....did Katerina make it one time?"

of course I get ignored I always do

"You won't be seeing her again, you know" Stefan points out

"Because she's on vervain?" Niklaus questions "I've been around a long time, Stefan. I rarely get played for a fool. Besides we have the one person she's most afraid of"

I smile when I open Kol's coffin "Koli, I miss you bubba"

Niklaus huffs like he's jealous

"What is it you really want from me?" Stefan asks

"All will be explained in time" Niklaus says "Once we leave this tragic little town"

"Can we go?" I question "I'm hungry"

Niklaus smiles at me motioning to someone

two girls walk out

"I wanna make sure you two honor our deal...that you'll be useful" Niklaus whispers then bites the girls "I could have compelled them to behave, but real rippers enjoy the hunt....well, at least I know my Skule does" then he releases them

with nothing holding me back I vamp towards her clamping down on her neck with my fangs

she screams fighting me

after a bit she stops fighting but I can't stop

her body parts disconnect

"Now we can go" Niklaus says


after about three months I have my mood swings under control

I'm still a dick but not a moody dick

we're stalking some women like creepers

"Rudy!" she whistles "Rudy. Come on! It's too hot to make me come looking for you"

poor human

when she bends down to pick up a toy we move forward

that makes her jump deliciously when she see's us; her heart jumps

"I'm sorry" Niklaus says "I didn't mean to scare you"

"Can I help you two?" the women asks

I can see her veins pulse as I swallow my drool

"Jackass let the car run out of gas" I rasp "We've been walking forever and this is the first house we've seen"

"Could we come in and use your phone?" Niklaus asks

"Don't you two have cell phone's"

I glare at Niklaus "This one has issues and threw mine out the window" which is true

he pulls his out "Battery died. Look, I promise I'm not a serial killer I just wanna use your phone"

I am though.....a serial killer I mean

her heart starts beating faster


"Soo, can we come in" Niklaus tries

"No" the lady states "I'll get the phone and I'll bring it out to you"

oh that annoyed him "I thought you country folk were supposed to be more trusting"

"I'm from Florida" the lady said her heart beating a million miles an hour

I can feel my fangs try to get out

"Well, that explains it" Klaus grabs her by the throat "Now show my brother and I a little southern hospitality sweet pea"

she lets us in

I follow closely behind them but not to close because I don't want to lose it quiet yet

"What's going on?" the other women asks when we walk in

"Please don't be alarmed" Niklaus says "I was told Ray Sutton lives here"

I walk around while they walk before the one women runs to the back door to find Stefan there looking as hungry as I am

she screams

how delightful her screams and cry's are

"I love it when they run" Niklaus says then looks at me "I suppose you want her then"

I nod silently

"He's in Toll" the second women shouts "It's near the border. A bar called Southern Comfort. It's one the highway"

"Thank you my love" Niklaus whispers in the first women's ear "May my friend come in"

"Yes" she cries

Stefan walks in to stand by me

"Kill them both" Niklaus instructs "I'll be in the car"

Stefan and I glance at each other before going for the women

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