seven hundred years ago the youngest living Mikaelson ran away from his siblings. Five hundred and forty years after that the young Original meets a nine year old Stefan Salvatore and a sixteen year old Damon Salvatore. Damon and Stefan became fast...
"We should pack up the grimoires" I say "Bon-Bon could learn lots from them" I give then look at the body "can we just cremate him further? It would be super easy"
Damon points to me and nods
"Don't be disrespectful" Bonnie says "Not to him"
"Didn't he try to use you?" I ask
Bonnie just gives me a look back
"We'll bury him then" Damon sighs after I loose
"What exactly are we looking for" little Gilbert asks who is apparently dating Bon
Bonnie and Damon go back and forth while I open grimoires
then I see one that can not get in the wrong hands
Elijah must have brought it
I grab it
"Are we gonna have to read through every one of these books till we find the right spell?" Baby Gilbert asks
Bonnie groans "yes"
with a chuckle I walk towards her
"Is that it?" Damon asks as he tries to take the grimoire
that leads me to hitting him with it "this is my mothers and her friends split grimoire. I watched as my mother and Ayana Bennett made spell after spell to put in this little cook book. The spell that the burnt one's dad said to do will be in this one; I was there when they made it. The down side is that there is no way in hell that anybody but Bon and I will touch this thing."
"So you had to beat me with it?" Damon asks "You could have just said that"