Caroline gets me all locked down in this creepy torture chair then sits the opposite of me
"So?" she says "Are werewolf bites really not fatal to vampires or something?"
"They are" I say "For normal vampires anyway...I'm an Original"
"What is that?"
"I was one of they eight first vampires a thousand years ago"
"THOUSAND YEARS AGO" she screeches
"Yes" I answer slowly "I was born...I know this I tracked it one day when I got bored.....November 30th of the tenth century"
"Like Viking times?"
"Yup" I pop "My whole family were Vikings. Only my father and I were actually good at the whole shebang though"
"You're one of the first vampires?"
I huff "That's what I said; I'm faster, stronger, werewolf bites don't affect me, it's way to hard for my to die, and I can compel other vampires"
she blinks at me
at least she's not screaming at me like....
"Got any questions? It'll be awhile until my hallucinations start and you do not want to be here for that"
"Do Stefan and Damon know?"
"No" I answer truthfully "You're the first person I've told in almost two hundred years now"
we had a long conversation about me being an original
"How did you get turned" is her first question after my whole being an original is cool
"My youngest brother, an older brother, and I all wanted to see the wolves turn. The three of us snuck out of the caves on night on a full moon; He paid the price. My older brother carried him back in his arms while I followed silently behind. Father wanted to fight back and in those days whatever father said goes" I mean not for me at that time but I don't have to mention that "so he had our mother, a witch, create the vampire spell. She used the first doppelganger blood to turn us"
"Tell me about the other originals" she says
oh shit
why not
"My father, Mikael, was the first" I say "I was or am his favorite.....well I've never met my oldest sister.....he's a hard man to please but I managed. Then there's Finn who is boring as all get out. Elijah thinks I'm worthless and he has a stick up his arse." okay I can't have her knowing the name he goes by if he ever comes into town "Nik is the brother who carried our younger brother back. He doesn't like people to leave him, and has some...serious control issues. Rebekah is needy and falls in love too fast. Lastly, there is Kol who I was closest too. He's only a year older then me but never lets me forget that. He's the fun one who likes to go on adventures"
"Where are they" is what she asks
okay she's not going to ask about the eighth one good
"I had a spat with Nik seven hundred years ago" I give "I ran away and I haven't seen him sense. That's not for his lack of trying though"
she starts looking like.....
it's starting
"You need to leave" I croak "This chair won't hold me long so don't forget to lock me in here. In seventy two hours come let me out"
I give her a look making her scamper up and leaving
three days of agonizing visions of my uh lovely family comes to an end
it's the day after I got back
when I go down stairs Caroline is sitting there with Damon and Stefan
"uh hello?" I start
"Go ahead" Damon says "tell them; you two are going to love this"
"I saw Katherine today" Caroline admits
I sit beside her pulling her into my chest "Are you okay, love?"
"Where" Stefan asks at the same time
"at the Grill" Caroline gives "I stopped by to see if Skule was there so I could gawk and stalk him"
I kiss her ear lobe
"Let's skip the gross stuff" Damon says
"Anyway I had to act like I was going to the bathroom so Matt didn't think I was some kind of crazy stalker girlfriend...When I went to the bathroom she showed up. I knew it was her because I had just talked to Elena. She uh wanted me to deliver the message to the three of you."
"What was the message" Stefan asks
"She wants the moonstone or she will rip this town apart until it rains blood"
"That sounds fun" I say "Is that all, love"
"She wants it tonight at the masquerade ball"
"The ball that you used ten thousand dollars to buy a dress and tux for?" I ask
Damon and Stefan blink at us shocked
Caroline just shrugs "It's not like you're ever going to run out of money"
"Love I don't I actually care that you spent nine thousand dollars on a dress for yourself because you're worth every penny but a thousand dollars for a suit is a little steep"
"It's Armani" she defends herself "It's being flown in from Italy"
I stick my hands up "Whatever you say, love"
"You two fight like an old married couple" Damon snickers "Caroline Salvatore has a nice ring too it"
hmm I guess if one of you two marry her
I can't marry her
"Earth to Skule" Stefan says clapping his hand in front of me
I snap back into reality "Obviously killing the wolf through her the way thanks for doing that without me"
Damon shrugs "don't disappear for three days"
"We can't underestimate her" Stefan snaps "We have to play this smarter than her"
"Can we just give her the moonstone so she'll leave" Caroline suggests in that cute little voice I love so much
"No, love" I sigh
"Katherine's not getting dick" Damon states "I've had it. I'm gonna go to the masquerade ball and I'm gonna kill her tonight"
"You're not gonna kill her" Stefan steps in
"Really" I groan "Come on Steffi"
"Can you not do the goody-goody crap?" Damon growls
"You're not gonna killer because I am" Stefan fixes his statement

The Lost Mikaelson
Fanfictionseven hundred years ago the youngest living Mikaelson ran away from his siblings. Five hundred and forty years after that the young Original meets a nine year old Stefan Salvatore and a sixteen year old Damon Salvatore. Damon and Stefan became fast...