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apparently the gym flooded so it's being held at Lockwood manner

Sofia has us wearing some gray and blue crap that makes her look lovely

Sofia has us wearing some gray and blue crap that makes her look lovely

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Sofia took off as soon as we got here to look for Rebekah

"Who are all these people?" I hear Bonnie asks

"This is weird!" Caroline shouts "Where is Tyler" and then she walks off

that lets me walk up to Bonnie

"Bonnie" I state "You look lovely"

she looks over with a small smile "I'm not suppose to be talking to you; best friend rules and all"

"Am I not one of your best friends, Bon"

the little witch scoffs "Where's the wife? Elena tells me you two are glued to each other"

"Looking for my big sister" I hum "Have you seen them?"

"Good evening everyone!" I hear Nik's voice one stage "I wanna thank you for being here with me to celebrate! It's been a lot time coming!"

I sigh walking off this is father's wake then

finally I find Nik with Stefan

"Stefan" I say "Where is Sofia and Rebekah?"

"I have no idea" Stefan states "Rebekah was suppose to be coming with Matt and Sofia came with you"

I nod slowly before grabbing him "Protégé or not if my wife gets caught in the crossfire of whatever crack pipe plan you all cooked up I will bathe you in Damon's and Elena's blood"

"I don't know where she is" he says again "Would the two of you like to see your father?"

"Well, it wouldn't be a party without the guest of honor, would it?" Nik chuckles "bring him to me"

"All right" Stefan says "Perhaps there's something in it for me...? My freedom from your compulsion?"

with a huff I walk away to look for my wife

about thirty minutes later Nik grabs me "father's here"

with a grimace I follow him to the door

"Hello, Niklaus, son" father says when Nik opens the door

"hello, Mikael" Nik says "Why don't you come in? Oh, that's right. I forgot you can't"

"Or you can come outside if you want" Mikael says

"He's not going anywhere with you" I sneer "The hybrids will tear you limb from limb"

that's when a group of them gather around

"They can't kill me"

"True" Nik agrees "But it'll make a hell of a party game. All I have to do is rub these two fingers together and they pounce"

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