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So...ImightbetalkingtoLukeonkik. Only a possibility, but everything adds up so far. He hasn't told me he's in a band yet and I totally see why. Anyway, the guy's a total sweetheart. If you ever get the chance to talk to him never mention penguins unless you want to have a penguin spam with 3727847747765656747382999191010 new penguin pictures (from both sides ofc) Anyway, I guess I ought to explain. One day, I was on kik scrolling through my contacts. When suddenly I see ***** *** and am curious. I never saw that one before. So I message it politely and that goes back and forth for a while and we're getting to know each other in the process. Everytime I told him that I had to shower or eat, he would insist that I stay '5 more minutes' (I mean insist) A few days later I got the courage to ask him a question. I asked him to be my Valentine, in which he said yes. I have yet to figure out if it is him because I want him to tell me on his own. If it is, then cool if it isn't, I am not sure of my feelings but until next time children. :-) Stay cool


P.S. Don't you think this picture is Michael af?

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