Ashton's Bio

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So I have a joke for you lol. It will have 5SOS at the end I promise. It goes like this.

There were 3 ducks who got arrested for blowing bubbles in a park.

In the courtroom the first duck walks in, the judge says, "What's your name?"

The duck replies, "Quack."

The judge says, "Okay Quack, what did you do?"

"I was blowing bubbles in the park."

"Nothing wrong with that, you're free to go." the judge says.

The second duck walks in as the first one leaves.

"What's your name?", the judge asks.

"Quack Quack.", the duck says.

"What did you do, Quack Quack?". The jude asks.

"Blowing bubbles in the park."

"Nothing wrong with that, you're free to go.",the judge says.

Third duck walks in as the second one leaves, and the judge asks for is name.

"Wait let me guess! Is it Quack Quack Quack?", the judge asks.

The duck replies "No sir, it's Bubbles."


Does anyone else remember when on Ashton's bio it said "bubble blower"?

Yeah lol.



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