Dear Ashton's Dimples TB 3

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Dear Ashton's Dimples,

We like to think of you two as a beautiful constellation in the night sky. Hear us out: Your points are like the shining stars in a dark and clear horizon, and Ashton Irwin's perfect smile is the connection between you. Together, you all crate the most beautiful, dazzling picture. What we especially love about you, is that you're boastful. You're so selfless by always giving Ash's award-winning smile the spotlight, while you gladly stand beside, complimenting it ever so perfectly. In fact, you're such a unique work of art, that we have to get Ashton's "name tattooed in an arrow heart!" We all adore you, so please don't ever change!


Your biggest fans!

(This is all the bonuses at bottom of the page)

"The way you pop out and say 'hi' every time Ashton smiles is so cute."



"You fit perfectly on Ashton's face. You're always there for him. You always make others smile. Please don't ever fade away."

I love you,


"You're perfectly placed on Ashton's cheeks. But most importantly, there's more than one of you. Double perfection!"

Yours truly,


"You light up my day like fireworks light up he sky on the 4th of July. If it's wrong to like someone's dimples this much, I don't want to be right.''



"You dress Up Ash's face and brighten his face and brighten his eyes. You make my day better, even with gray skies. The depth of you is just like his heart-you'd need a flashlight to truly search that far."

All my love,


"You are like two little angels sent from Heaven. You compliment Ashton's face so beautifully."

Love always,


"I didn't think it was possible for Ash to look any more perfect than he already did, until you make your grand appearance when he smiles. Swoon!"

Dreaming of you,


"You're like a great pair of shoes that I can't get enough of. Every time I see them, I get excited all over again. You're my favorite feature on Ash!"

Forever yours,



Whew that was a lot of typing lol my thumbs hurt now but oh well exercise is good for the body. lol. Don't wait up!


QOTC: You're favorite Ash feature? I'd have to say his eyes or his smile! Tbch I kinda like Calum'slaughmorethanAshton'spleasedon'thitmeIlikemyfacehowitisthankyou.

It's nothing against Ashy, I love his laugh to death.

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