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Harmony's POV

My head starts to hurt as I walk to schoool with Calum. His arm is wrapped around my waist as we walk in. I awkwardly twist out of his grasp and tell him I'll see him later. He nods quietly and walks away, leaving me in the position I was in. The bell rings, and I snap out of my gaze. I probably looked like I was very interested in the pavement of the sidewalk. I laugh at my stupidity as I rush to my locker.

When I shut my door and turn the corner, I instantly get slammed into the the lockers behind me. I grunt in pain as the metal hits my side where my father hit me last night. Ashton's arm hits my chest and presses me back so I can't escape.

"What happened last night? Were you being a slut again?" Yasmin said from behind Ashton.

"Ashton please." I whimper. He growls and slaps me across the face, my head snapping to the side. I squirm more in his grip.

"Oh I know! You were being a good girl stuck inside your room being innocent?" Yasmin fakely ponders, tapping her chin. "No, you're such a bitch. I hope you die of hate someday." I wince as she said that, moving my sleeves down my wrists.

She notices. "You hate yourself so much, that you beat yourself up for it. You don't need Ashton, you already do it for yourself." Tears come to my eyes as my whole body fills with pain as Ashton slaps me again. I barely feel it. I start to go numb as he kicks me and punches me. I drop to the floor, Ashton's foot digging into my side. I can't feel or move anything.

"Whore." Yasmin states, laughing as she kisses Ashton on the cheek. Her word fuzzes up in my brain, then runs through my head. The bell rings again. signalling the end of classtime. I push myself onto my hands, not realising that someone was already helping me up.

"Hey are you okay?" The boy asks, his dyed hair standing out through the crowd. His hands grip my arms holding me up so I don't fall again. I slowly shake my head no. He drapes his arm around my shoulders and picks up my bag, walking out of the school. All of the sudden I'm being laid down on a couch. I quickly fall asleep, not hearing a word the boy was saying.


I wake up with a cold pack on my head; someone is holding my hand making me feel warm. I slowly blink my eyes open. Calum was sitting with his head down, holding my small hand in his big ones. My hand twitches; Calum looks up to see my eyes open. A bright smile instantly comes to his face.

"Hey Harmony!" He says quietly. I smile at him then sit up, holding the ice pack to my head before it can fall.

"Where am I?" I ask him, his hand moving to my hair and stroking it lightly.

"You're at my friend Michael's house. He brought you here after he found you in the hallway almost passed out." I realize what happened. Ashton beat me up so much that I was done with it. I didn't feel anything. I look at Calum then look away, not wanting to tell him what happened. He scoots closer to me, pulling my chin with his fingers to look at his eyes. The worry pools into the brown as he looks at me, his hands cup my jawlines. "Harmony, what happened?" I move away from him and try to get up, but I become dizzy and crashed into Calum. "Harmony." He says my name again, I still huddled in his arms. "What happened?" I sigh and sit down, and tell him about Ashton.

Ashton's POV

I fake laugh as Yasmin and I walk away from the mess on the floor, aka Harmony. My chest feels like someone punched all the air out of my lungs. I hate hurting her, I hate beating her. I wish I could go back in time and start things over again, but that can't happen. So now I have to live with beating her. And if she really does get abused by her father, she doesn't need me to do it to her. I don't know why I do it, I just get angry. I can't control myself. I wish I could stop. If I had one wish in the world, it would be to stop hurting her. But instead of trying to fix what I do, I'm here making out with the one person I truely hate, Yasmin. I'm in a complete mess.

I'm a complete mess.



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