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>>>Harmony's POV<<<
The next morning when I wake up, nobody is there in my bed except for the puppies. They snore together and Coco lays on top of both his siblings, and Daisy squirms every minute. I giggle, going to open the door. Then I remember my father is down there. There's no Ashton here to protect me. I back away quickly, and a sound of creaking wood spins me around. My heart starts thumping rapidly, but I notice it's just Ashton.

"Hey." He say quietly, shoving his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. "Um, I wanted to check in on you." He scratches the back of his head. No 'Luke wants me to check on you' or maybe even Calum? No just him. I sigh in relief as I look towards the front door then to the floor where he stands.

"I want to go out, but I don't know if he's down there or not." I fluff my hair and pull it back slowly, strands started to fall into my eyes. Ashton pushes past me, and opens the door. He gestures to follow him, so I do what I'm told.

As we walk down, I see my father passed out drunk on the floor. His face is pressed to the floor awkwardly, like he fell and couldn't get up. The beer is spilt everywhere, and I see a few cuts on his face.

"Look who's decided to wake up." He suddenly says in the ground. He turns his head to look at me, but then sees Ashton and smiles evily. "Are you the one that my daughter has sex with every night?" I gulp, and Ashton tenses in front of me. "You're a good fit, yes you are." I touch Ashton's back, but he doesn't move. "You must be her rapist-" before he can continue, Ashton bends down as quick as lightning and socks my father in the face. But not enough to knock him out.

"Oh! So the pretty boy likes violence. I see." He doesn't try to push himself up from the ground. "Well like I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, you are perfect for my slut of a daughter. She's a whore, and so are you." He laughs and his face turns into a grin. "I bet that you-" he points at me "- gave him a STD." Ashton I can see is shaking now, and his hands clench and unclench. I start to shake also, thinking that these words shouldn't hurt me; I hear them every day. But they do. I run upstairs quickly before anyone can tell me. I lock the door, totally forgetting about Ashton, then fall to the ground again. I curl up in a ball and lay on the ground, the tears leaking out of my eyes.

"Harmony?" A voice calls behind the door. Ashton walks in casually, quickly looking towards the bathroom, but seems me laying on the ground.

"I thought the door was lo-" I say quietly, but I'm interrupted when Ashton starts speaking.

"I broke the lock getting in here last time. Your father is about to come up here though." As he says that, I feel a band outside my door, then it opens.

"Where are you bitch?" He screams. He sees me on the ground shaking and smiles. "Awe, poor little Harmony." He kicks me in the leg. Ashton steps between us.

"Don't touch her." Ashton says through gritted teeth.

"And what are you going to do about it?" Before Ashton can answer my father punches him in the jaw. It doesn't leave Ashton on the ground writhing in pain like it does to me, but he wince and jerks his head to the side. He looks back at my father and pushes him into the wall, shoving as hard as he can. My fathers head bangs hard, then falls to the ground limply. Ashton quickly whips out his phone and dials a number.

"Hey Luke. Can you- yeah. Yeah she's fine." He looks at me, then back at the wall. "Can you c- yep. Yeah that's what I was going to say. Okay see you soon." He ends the call and looks down at me. "Luke's coming to get you." I feel my head automatically drop to the ground. He rushes forward to check if I'm okay, then places my limp body in his arms. He rocks back and forth slightly, his big arms holding on tightly. I dig my face into his chest and smell his musky scent. I close my eyes and rest. I don't fully fall asleep though. His kisses my lips, and before I process what's happening he pulls away. I press my hand on his chest, opening my eyes.

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