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~*~Harmony's POV~*~
The burning sensation in my throat doesn't stop.

I scream as loud as I can as I watch Ashton yell in agony and slip to the ground. Blood pools on his arms, pouring down his shirt and onto my bedroom rug. The palms of my hands cover my mouth, and I squeeze my eyes shut, hoping this is just an illusion. I open them again. It's not.

My father looks down at the now bleeding body laying at his feet. I don't see Ashton's chest rise for a minute, which makes me loose myself. I clutch my hands to my ears and try to process what just happened. I never realized how much I love Ashton. I hear a bang and the door opens, but I don't see who it is. All I hear is yelling, then a thump, and I close my eyes. Strong arms grab my own, pulling me to stand on my feet. I don't move my hands from my ears. I block out the world and stumble mindlessly where the arms lead me. I'm seated down in a chair, and I start to shake again.

He can't be dead. He can't be dead. He's not dead. It was his arms. He's not dead. He can't be.

The thoughts creep into my mind, repeating over and over again. I hear an abulance call, the really obnoxious one, and then I hear low voices. The ambulance ring chimes in my ears over and over again. I feel a hand touch my back lightly.

"Ma'am, are you okay?" He says. I open my sqeezed eyes to reveal a police man kneeling down to my level. I've leaned forward, my elbows on my knees. I shake my head and close my eyes shut again. I have a massive headache. It pounds against my forehead, trying to burst through. I can't get the image of Ashton falling to the ground, my poor puppies all scratched up, and my dad out of my head. The whole scene replays, making me dizzy.

Maybe it's okay to let go.

I start to feel my eyelids get heavy even though they're still closed.

I need to let go of Ashton. I can't let him get hurt again.

I feel my elbows give out from underneath me.

He can't get hurt. He can't ever have to do that again.

I feel my body slump forward, making inpact with the ground. I feel a stab of pain go through my whole left side of my body. I lay there, staying where I am. I hear shouts and muffled voices saying my name, but I flutter my eyes shut, tighter than before. I feel myself shiver against the cool ground. I feel many hands on me, lifting my body up. I go limp, partly because I can't move even if I wanted to. Everything is black, the pain in my head rises with my body as the hands start to move me. I feel the cool air against my tear spattered cheeks. I feel like I'm falling, over and over again.

He's not gone. He's not dead.

I open my eyes a sliver, oeaking through my wet eyelashes. I see the ambulance car ahead.

He isn't dead.

But he could have been.

All because of me. All because of my stupid father.

But Ashton wouldn't have found him if I didn't introduce myself. And I let him in. I shouldn't have done that.

He should have stayed my bully.

I won't let him back in. After what happened today, it's never happening again. I won't let him in.

I love him.

So I'll let go.

I'll let him go.

At that thought, I let go of myself, loosing everything that gets ingulfed by the darkness.

>>>Ashton's POV<<<
I wake up with the moniter beeping. I expected to be in a hospital. My eyes fly open and the room comes into focus. My arms are bandaged up. I expected that too. I look around to see Calum's head against the wall.

"Calum?" I whisper huskily. Calum's eyes fly open and look over at me.

"Ash!" My nickname falls from his gaping mouth. "Oh my god dude, you've lost so much blood. We all thought you were dead, it was so scary. The other guys were here but they went to-"

"Where's Harmony?" I interrupt him, staring at his body language. It shifts more away from me as he scratches the back of his head.

"Um, she's definitely fine. Don't worry about that." He laughs nervously. I raise an eyebrow.

"Then what should I be worried about?" I ask. He continues to scratch the back of his head awkwardly.

"Well, um, I really don't know a lot. But when she woke up, she said she didn't want to see you again. To hang out with you like at all. Avoid you permantly." Calum whispers the last three words. My heart starts to beat harder. What did I do? Was she upset that I couldn't help her from her dad? No, she's not that selfish. I lean my head back against my hospital bed, closing my eyes before the tears leak out. I don't want to look week. "I'm really sorry bro." Calum says, patting my leg gently, then I hear the door open and shut. I open my tear filled eyes, to see Calum had left. I stare at the wall ahead of me.

What did I do?

oh my god guys i'm so sorry this chapter is so short but please please respect this chapter anyways because it's actually one of my faves. And also expect more tonight :P Thanks for reading and COMMENT YOUR THOUGHTS AND VOTE PLEASE ILY ALL SM THANKS FOR READING :D <3

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