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Harmony's POV

I wake up in my bed a few day later, the bright morning shining through my window. I get up and stretch, but instantly stop as the pain at my side gets to me. I decide to get up and put my workout gear on, heading down the stairs silently to not wake up my dad. He sleeps on the couch, bottles everywhere. I grab a water bottle, surprised that we actually had water as a beverage in this house. I rush out the door and start to walk down the street.

The trees move with the slow wind, making the roads shady and dark. Occasionally a car passes by, disturbing the nice mood, but it only happens every so often. It's quiet and peaceful, just what I needed. I walk towards the park, looking for a shady place to sit in the nice smelling grass. As I turn the corner to the big grassy fields, I stop at once.

The peaceful quiet walk stops, and I stop moving. My heart feels like it's in my throat as I back away slowly.

Ashton was sitting under a tree writing in a notebook. A journal? Why does Ashton, the meanest kid in our grade, have a journal? He could just let his feelings pour out as he beats up kids. I start to run away, but the opposite direction I came from.

I come to an ally between two buildings with graffiti everywhere, the sewer water dripping every so often. I'm about to turn around again, when I hear a scuffling behind the dumpster. Then a whimper. I inch towards the noise, trying to decide whether I should leave it or not. I come around the corner and I see a ball of fur. Black shiny fur that's been cut up and wet with water and a little bit of blood. Three sets of eyes look up at me, and I realize it's puppies, three of them. I duck down onto my knees and look at them. They lay on a wet piece of cardboard; their bodies are shaking. It's probably cold, or they're sick. Maybe both.

"Hey you guys." I say quietly. I hold out my hand, but they whimper away. "I won't hurt you." I leave my hand in the air, moving closer slowly. I finally reach one of the pups and let the puppy sniff my hand. His nose tickles my fingers before he goes under my hand and lays there. I smooth the puppy's fur down, and gently pick it up and put it on my lap. The other puppies decide that I'm okay, and they creep towards me. I pick all three of them up, and start to walk back to the park.

I don't remember Ashton is there until I'm a few feet from him and my eyes flutter up. His eyes meet mine, and then go to he puppies. I stick my chin out and hold them close to my chest.

"What are you doing here?" He asks. I clutch the puppies to my chest, ready to run at any moment. He steps closer, still looking at the puppies. But I take a step back.

"I-I-I found-d these p-puppies in an a-ally way and I p-picked th-them up to b-bring them b-back h-h-here." Clearing my throat, I step back and put the puppies down, and they start to roll around in the grass.

I narrow my eyes at him. "What are you doing here?" Emphasizing on the "you". He looks down at his notebook and then back at me. I follow his gaze, then look back at him. "You? Writing? I'm surprised you know the alphabet." That slipped. He looks like he just got slapped in the face. But then his expression turns to anger. He grabs my jaw and tilts my head up, making me look at his hazel eyes.

"The only reason I'm not hurting you right now is because we're in public." His breathing is hot and heavy on my own lips. His nose almost touches mine and his other hand is wrapped around my waist.

"Yeah, and the only reason you're not kissing me right now is because we're in public. Don't want to ruin your little ego of yours." That also slipped. I bit my lip. His hand grasps my waist tighter, but not my jaw. "Oh come on. Admit it, you secretly like me. But you don't want to break your girlfriends heart and-"

Ashton's POV

Harmony steps back and puts the black puppies down. They start to roll around and then she speaks.

"What are you doing here?" She asks. I look down at my book then back at her. "You? Writing? I'm surprised you know the alphabet." That was a shocker. She can sense it. I can't let her see that. I take one quick stride forward and grasp her jaw, my other hand gripping her waist.

"The only reason I'm not hurting you right now is because we're in public." I loosen my grip a little bit, and she takes that as an offer.

"Yeah, and the only reason you're not kissing me right now is because we're in public. Don't want to ruin your little ego of yours." I'm so close to her whole body. I can feel her breathing hard on my chest, and her knees that are shaking a little bit. She continues. "Oh come on. Admit it, you secretly like me. But you don't want to break your girlfriends heart and-"

I cut her off and lean in, taking the words out of her mouth. The sweet taste of her lips fills my mouth, just like from that one night. I drop my hand from her jaw and move to her waist. I feel her hands go through my hair making me shiver. I push into her more, wanting to feel her. I want to be hers. But I can't. Which this thought brings me back to reality. I pull away from her abruptly, instantly regretting it. I pick up my notebook that I dropped and walk away, leaving her stunned on the grassy fields.



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