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~*~Harmony's POV~*~
I lost track of the days ahead. I realize that it's Monday when I actually get to the school. I clutch my books to my chest, my backpack traps tugging into my shoulders. When I get to my locker, I put everything I don't need inside the blue metal. I don't realize Michael is standing next to me until I shut my door. I jump and flutter my eyes nervously.

"Hey Harmony? So, you're not friends with Ashton but what about us?" He gestures to Calum behind him. I smile sweetly.

"I guess, I mean I just can't hang out as much." I say quietly.

"Why? You should have seen Ash's face when I told him that you didn't want to see him anymore! It's hard for me to even be around you right now!" Calum exclaims. I'm taken aback by the sudden outburst and I don't say anything. He scoffs and walks past me muttering. "Whatever." I duck my head down.

"I'll go talk to him." Michael whispers to me, then turns around the corner. The bell rings for the first class time. I sigh deeply and start to walk slowly to my class, wanting to be late. As I go down a hall, I hear sounds coming from ahead. Pounding, and then squealing, and then talking. I inch forward, tiptoeing and peaking around the corner. I see Yasmin standing in front of Ashton, clutching onto his waist. It makes me envious, but I try to ignore it and pay attention to what they were saying.

"Ashton stop that!" She giggles. He frowns.

"What? Pushing you off? Not used to being rejected, huh." He looks down at her with fury. She leans up and brushes her lips to his. He flutters his eyes shut, and I watch him. I remember him saying that he pretended it was me standing there. Is he doing that now? His eyes open and shove her off. "Stop. I-I can't do this." He starts to turn the other direction I was standing in, but she grabs his wrist. It's the first time I noticed the bandaged on his biceps. It looks like ACE bandages. He shrugs her off, but she presses her body against his. I can't believe they haven't noticed me yet. Yasmin presses her lips to his, but he moves away. "Stop!" He shouts. His deep angry voice echoes through the empty halls. I feel bad. I should do something. But I can't see him anymore.

"Why? Aren't you glad that stupid whore is leaving you alone?" She moves closer again.

"No I'm not, because she hasn't done that yet." He called her a stupid whore. My jaw dropped in awe. She looked angry at him, but hides it.

"Then why did you kiss me back earlier?" She smirks, clearly thinking she was smart.

"I was imagining someone else taking your place, just like I have been for the past three years." Man that long? Geez. "We're through Yasmin. Now can you leave me be?" He moves away from her. She scoffs.

"Fine! You're going to regret letting me go." She walks the opposite direction I was standing, and when she turns the corner, Ashton relaxes. I never noticed that his body was super tense. He starts to walk towards where I was standing, and I moved around the corner. I held my breath, but I heard a bang of body against metal. I hear him swear under his breathe.

"What did I do?" I hear him whisper.

Oh, I wasn't expecting that.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize Ashton came around the corner until he jumped from seeing me.

"Um." I whisper. I avoid his gaze.

"Harmony?" He asks breathlessly. I nod slowly. I back up when I realize he'd moved closer quickly, thinking that he was going to kiss me, but instead he hugs me. His big shoudlers shield me from my view, and all I see is his shirt. I dig my face automatically in his shirt, his scent filling my nose. I smile, but small just incase he pulls away and sees me. I don't want him to think that anything changed. But he stays in his position. His breath is hot on my shoulder. I feel his hands move in a repeating motion on my back, moving up and down. I wrap my hands around his stomach area, pulling him tighter. I couldn't help it. He gived the best hugs.

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