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Harmony's POV

I wasn't prepared to go home. I didn't know what my dad would do to me. I wanted to go back to Ashton's house, but then I didn't want to be their either. As I was heading home, the loud music started to fade. All I could hear was muffled sounds from behind me. My thoughts brought me out of reality, thinking about everything: Luke, the boy who made me happy. Calum, the boy who made me laugh. Michael, the boy who made me blush. Then Ashton. But Ashton didn't really do anything. I guess I like him, but I wish he wasn't a jerk. If he acted better, I would definitely go out with him without a second thought.

I shouldn't have said those things back there. It was unacceptable. But it was also true. Better he know the truth than not. I fold my arms against my chest, hugging my flannel closer to my skin. I start to shiver, realizing that the tempareture dropped a lot. I start to run towards my house, looking for street names and stopping at red lights.

By the time I reached my yard, I knew I was in trouble. The lights were dim, but I could hear the television on from outside. When I get to the door, my hand barely reaches the knob when my dad stands at the clearing. His hair is everywhere, his eyes wild and bloodshot.

"You have no idea how much I was worried about you." He say, too quiet. "And you have no idea how much trouble you're in." He grabs my hair, almost out of my roots, and pulls me in the door. He kicks my back, smashing my body to the hard wodden ground. "Where were you?" He screams at me. I start to cry.

"I was- I w-was at-" He smacks me across the face.

"Spit it out you dumb fuck!" His spit flies everywhere as he lifts me up by the collar of my shirt to meet his angered gaze.

"I was at prom!" I scream back. The tears rush down my cheeks, and the sobs erupt in my chest making it hard to breathe.

"Liar!" He screams again. He smacks my face again; I could already feel the swelling. "You're just like you're mom-" , he interrupts himself by kciking me away again, "luckily she's gone now because of me!" I instantly stop sobbing.

"What?" I ask, narrowing my eyes.

"Yeah that's right. I killed your mom. And I could do the same to you!" He spits at my face, then smacks it again. I don't feel pain. I don't see anything. I'm sure my eyes are open, but all I see is black. I'm slowly fading. He stops and my eyes go back to normal.

"How-how could you? She loved you!" I whisper scream, my voice hoarse.

"Well, I didn't love her. Just like I don't love you." He sneers, and then kicks my left leg. I wince and everything goes black and hazy. I stumble as I start to get up. I hear my fathers screams and yells, but I still can't make out what he's saying. The dark room sways under me, and I walk forward towards the stairs. Everything happens in slow motion. I don't even know how I'm walking. I walk up the stairs, shutting the door and locking it. I slide down the back of it. The puppies sleep on my bed, unaware that I've entered the room. I look around towards the bathroom.

I could end it now. The pain would be gone. End it.

I crawl slowly towards the bathroom, wondering what will be happening next.

Ashton's POV

"Luke, Luke, calm down and tell me agian." I can hear Luke on the other side almost sobbing.

"Her dad. Her dad. Dude, please. Help. Her dad. His fault. Help." He breathes the words, it sounds like he's light headed.

"Okay dude, we'll be on the way okay?"


Michael and Calum were too drunk to go. I left them at my house and ran down the street to Luke's house. As I enter his yard, I look over to see a person rocking back and forth on the ground of Harmony's yard.

"Luke!" I yell, and rush over. "Dude, what's wrong?" I touch his shoulder. He shakes his head.

"Harmony's father- killed, her mom." He speaks. "She's being tortured- tortured inside. Go get- go get her." That's all I needed to hear. By the time he said the word 'killed' I was shaking with rage. My hands ball up into fists as I jog inside. I burst throught he door onto the clearing. I see blood on the ground, and it makes me more angry. A man stubles out into the room and looks livid. A jolt of my temper makes me shove him into the wall and punch his head. He's instantly knocked out. Good. I then look around the rooms. I see the stairs and run up them.

"Harmony?" I call her name. I hear her crying from the upstairs. I rush up with no effort, and follow the sounds. Her door is shut and locked. "Harmony, love, you have to let me in." I bang my fist on the door. She's still crying. I back up, and then slam my whole body into the door. The pain lasts for about a second before I recover and realize I broke the lock on her door.

I look around her room and walk towards the bathroom, where the light is on and the door is a crack open. I hear no sound but I walk in anyway. "Harmony?" I whisper. I push the door open to see the blade already in her hands. "No, no!" I move a few more steps before it can touch her perfect skin. I gently rip the blade from her hand, and she starts crying again. "Hey, hey it's okay." I try to be comforting. I reach for her body, but she scoots backwards. I sit in the bathroom, staring at the make up running down her face. her eyes occationally flicker up to my own, but she looks quickly downwords.

"Why are you here?" She finally whispers. "I thought you hated me."

I sigh. "Harmony, I don't hate you. I never have. I've just acted like it. And I'm really dissapointed in myself and I beat myself up for it also. You haven't seen the real me. You've only seen my mask. I put it on for protection, or else people will hurt me. But I never realize as I do that, I hurt the people around me also. And I'm really sorry, I wish I could-"

"Shhhh." Harmony whispers, interrupting my thoughts. I look at her, and she moves towards me. Her head rests on my stomach, laying ontop of me. "I'm sorry to interrupt but I'm a little insane right now and I don't feel like I can listen or take in anything you're saying."

I laugh. She smiles also, then closes her bloodshot eyes and quickly falls asleep. I kiss the top of her head lightly, lingering longer than I should of.



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