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~*~Harmony's POV~*~
His study frame hovers my tiny body. I kiss his soft lips, pulling him towards me. I tug at his shirt, wanting to pull it off, to see his hard stomach and smooth tanned skin.

I don't know why I kissed him.

He was sitting there, and for once he looked normal, like an actual boy. Not the rebel I usually saw, not the boy with a few tattoos. He looked liked someone I could have a chance with. Whom I could actually love.

I push him down onto his back, and pressed my lips more into his. I dropped my weight, wanting to feel his warm body heat. Fireworks went off throughout mine and his lips. His hands trail down my back, holding me closer to his body. I don't make an sudden movements to move. I want to stay forever.

I break apart, and kiss his neck, moving up to his cheek. I drag the tip of my nose on the line of his jaw, holding my position.

"Did you know that I like you, Ashton Irwin?" I whisper breathlessly. He doesn't answer with words. He leans up and connects our lips again. My hands fly up to his hair, clutching it tightly. He moans and pulls me closer. I hesitantly play with the edge of his shirt. His hand reach down, and lifts it up exposing a part of his waist/stomach. I pull away and look down, pulling the fabric about his head and throwing it across the room, almost hitting Calum's sleeping head. His bare skin is tan and beautiful in the dark. I press my body back onto his, and close our lips together. His hands grabbed my waist, turning himself over me. I flip to the bottom of himself, my fingers trail down his back. He shivers and pushes his warm body closer to mine.

After our make out session is done, he pulls apart and stares into my eyes, his hazel ones pour with emotion that I've never seen before. It looks like kindness and love. I reach up and grab his face in my hands. I stroke his cheek bone with my thumb.

"I think I like you too." He laughs nervously, whispering the words that come out of his perfect mouth. I giggle slightly, not wanting to wake up the others.

He moves me closer to the edge of the couch, then comfortably moves between the couch and me, holding onto my waist and tangling his legs with mine. He kisses my neck lightly.

"I think that's an understatement." I speak for the first time in a while. He laughs softly behind me.

"Fine then." I feel him move closer to my ear, his breath hitting my cool skin. "I think I'm in love with you, Harmony." I shiver and when he pulls back, I flip around to face him. His chest is the first thing I see. He's so tall.

"I never thought I'd say this, but I think I'm in love with you too." I avoid his eye contact, and stare at his collar bone. It sticks out distinctly. I study his shoulder muscles, his bicep, and then I couldn't see any more of his arm because it was trapping me from my waist. He kisses the top of my head, the tingling feeling goes through my body. I smile, closing my eyes as he does. When he pulls away, I curl my hands up between my chest and his. My head lays upon where his collar bones are. He plays with my hair, stroking his fingers through the blonde mess. He sighs, and I feel his chest go up and down slowly. I open my eyes, but close then again.

I feel protected, safe. Like nothing could hurt me. Nothing could get to me. Ashton, I realize, made me feel that way. His strong arms are the only thing that keeps me together. They keep me from breaking apart and falling slowly. I never realized I needed him more than I thought.

I hear his soft breathing indicating he's fallen asleep. I close my eyes, doing the same.

When I wake up, nobody else is awake with me. I've seemed to be turned away from Ashton, his hand draped over my stomach. I look around at the scene. Michael and Luke have curled together, and Michael lays on Luke's stomach. Luke lays below Calum's body, which is spread across the couch. Victoria is right on top of Calum, her head moving up and down with his chest.

"Victoria!" I whisper through the room. An eye pops open, and looks at me. "Oh, I didn't know you were awake."

"I am." She says simply. "I didn't want to wake Calum." She blushes at his name.

"What about me?" Calum says, and stretches. He doesn't realize that Victoria is laying on him until he puts his hands down on her back. He looks down sleepily, then shrugs slightly, closing his eyes again. Victoria smiles, then blushes again when she realizes I'm still watching.

"What about you huh?" She says even more quiet than before, Calum had fallen asleep again. I yawn, then look down at Ashton's hand. "At least Calum didn't go shirtless to make it look obvious." She giggles.

"Do you want me to be shirtless?" Calum whispers. Victoria blushes again, her whole face red. I look away to make it less awkward for her. I hear Calum shift and next time I look he's shirtless. I laugh at him. He stares at me. "What? If Ashton can do it, I can." He's not as muscular as Ashton, but he's still looks strong as hell. I could see that Victoria couldn't stop staring. She sits next to Calum on the couch.

As we go silent again, Victoria awkwardly lays back down on Calum's now bare chest. But she relaxes when her head touches his skin. She smiles and closes her eyes, hugging his waist. She looks happy.

Ha, I know the feeling.

They start to breath in sync again, and I turn around to face Ashton. His mouth is parted slightly, and his eyes are closed evenly. His hair is a mess of dirty blonde waves. I move a strand that has fallen into his face, reaching up and then stretching my fingers across his cheek. I stroke the hard lines of his face, his jaw, cheekbone, nose, the outline of his lips.

Suddenly, his face moves towards mine and a sleepy Ashton presses his lips to my own. I'm surprised, but kiss him back softly. He pulls apart and looks into my brown eyes.

"Good morning, love." He whispers. I giggle, then sit up slowly. Luke and Michael still sleep, except now Luke's chin is at the top of Michaels head, not touching, but close. They don't touch at all. It's sort of cute, the bromance. I laugh at the word, then get prepared to stand up. I get stopped by a par of hands wrapping around my waist.

"No, stay." He whispers into my back. I laugh.

"I'm not a dog, and anyways I have to go check on the puppies." I whisper back, pulling apart his big arms gently and standing up.

>>>Ashton's POV<<<
She gets up and walks away from me. I stand up eventually, stretching, then following her. I hear her footsteps, then a gasp and a body fall to the floor. My eyes widen, and I rush upstairs. She kneels next to her bed.

"Harmony?" I ask from the doorway. She turns around slowly, her body shaking as she reveals something in her arms. A beaten, scraped, and wounded black puppy lays in her arms. I can see its tiny chest moving still, but it lays limply. I look back at her, and her eyes fill with tears but widen again. "Wha-"

The door slams behind me, and I flip around to see her dad standing there. I thought he was with the police?

"What are you doing here, stalker?" I stand in front of Harmony.

"Here to do what I've always wanted to do." He steps forward towards me. I don't show any signs of cowardice. "Kill my daughter." He brings a knife from his pocket quickly then brings it down at the side of my arm. I yell out in pain as it drives down the edge of my bicep. My hand flies up to the pain and pull out the knife, dropping it to the ground. The blood drips down my arm, and I feel dizzy. I feel like I just tried self harm again.

I feel another jolt of pain at my other arm, but don't know where it comes from. I look around slowly, everything spins. I look down to my arms and see blood dripping everywhere. It pools on my arm is droplets. I hear a girl scream. I want to help. But all that happens is my body weight collapsing. I feel the soft rug under my body, then black out instantly.


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