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Harmony's POV

I walk up to the sound of a beating heart, and my head falls up and down slowly. I open my eyes slightly too see Ashton laying down next to me, breathing slightly. His bicep touches the back of my sweaty head, and touches my back lightly. His jawline stands out at the angle I'm laying at. I move slowly and scoot up, now laying on his shoulder and wrapping my arm around his waist. My leg entangles in his, snuggling closely. I close my eyes right before I feel him lift his arms and stretch, breathing in as he does. With my eyes still closed, I feel his warm hand on my damaged back, rubbing it lightly. His light fingers send shivers up my hurt spine, but I don't move.

I feel his hand stroke my hair, and he kisses me lightly on my beat up head. His kiss warms my whole body, then he moves and gets up, closing the door lightly.

I hear quiet murmuring on the other side of my door. After a few minutes the door opens quietly again, and I'm greeted with fingers on my leg.

"Harmony." The fingers travel up and down my leg, making the hairs on my body rise.

Ashton's voice speaks again. "Harmony, it's Monday. A school day." His voice is soft but deep and raspy at the same time. Probably because he just woke up.

I hear the door open again, the sign of another person coming in. The fingers on my leg move instantly.

"Is she awake?" Calum asks from the doorway.

"No she won't get up." Ashton stands up. I hear Calum start to walk forward, but I think Ashton stops him. "I can wake her up and check her. Tell the boys to get ready for school." I think Calum hesitates, but I hear the door shut again, and then voices on the other side. Everything goes silent in the room.

Then I feel them again. The soft fingers on my back. They lift my torso lightly, pushing me on my back. Ashton unbuttons my bra lightly, then starts to unwrap the bandage around my body. When he's finished, I can feel his hazel eyes pouring onto my back. The pain in my back screams at me and I try to ignore it, but a high grunt comes from my mouth. He already knows I'm awake, or at least half asleep, by that sound so I move my arms so I can rest my head on them. I squeeze my eyes shut.

Ashton doesn't move for a while. I can still feel him gaze watching me, or looking at my back. I think he's worried that he woke me up. He gets up from the bed, and I open my eyes ever so slightly to see him packing up my stuff and getting the things I need for school. He quietly feeds the pups, gets some medicine out, and then comes back to the bed and lays down next to me, the opposite way my head is facing. The bruise on my back throbs violently against my purple skin. I realize in the room it's cold with my bare back. I start to shiver.

Ashton's arm lightly lays across my waist, not touching the bruise. His hand rests on my hip. Suddenly, I feel the pressure of him lips against the back of my neck. He lingers for longer than I expected, then move out if the bed.

Damnit Ashton, why do you make my feels for you go up and down?

Ashton's POV

I get up from the bed and can see her shivering again. I leave before I could do anything else. All I wanted was to wrap her in my arms and make her feel warm, but she hates me, and that will never happen.

I say goodbye to the boys, the time being 7:56am. I had just enough time to get to school. When I get there, I'm greeted by two hands grabbing me by my shirt and pulling me in. Their lips crash against mine, and that's all I have to know to know it's Yasmin. I sometimes compare Yasmin and Harmony to see such a big difference. Harmony is sweet and beautiful in her own way, and Yasmin is just slutty and disturbing. She pulls apart and smiles up at me. Then drops her smile.

"What's wrong babe?" I shake my head and fake smile down at her. She doesn't care, like always, then takes my arm and walks down the hall to our first class of this horrible day.

Harmony's POV

Luke drops me off at school late. Of course I took a lot of time getting ready, and he said that he would stay at Calum's house for the day to take care of the puppies. When I get out of the car, I say goodbye to Luke, then walk into the school entrance late. I go through the office and they let me go in.

I got there right after lunchtime, so everyone was in their next classes. I quickly rushed off to mine, but pressed against the lockers almost immediately.

"Oh, look who decided to show up today? The slut that we all don't care about." Ashton's eyes look into mine. He must know about my back. Right as I think that, his arm loosens. But still stays on. I don't understand him. "Wow, I can't believe not even you care for yourself, I mean look at those scars." She's looking at my arms, where the sleeves were pulled up.

"Those were from a while ago." I try to lie, but I'm choking as I do. The pain in my back is horrible, the cold metal of the lockers pressing against it. Tears come to my eyes as it continues to throbs and Yasmin continues to talk shit about me. Ashton still stares at me. The anger in his eyes flickers to worry, then back to anger.

"Ugh, she's not even listening. Finish her Ashton." She walks away and around the corner. He watches her go, before turning back to me.

"Ashton please don't. Please, I'm begging you." The tears run down my cheeks, dampening my shirt. My back is in more pain, and I'm shaking from head to toe. He hesitates, before punching me in the side. My eyes widen, and I can still feel his knuckles at the side of my body. I start to clutch it, but he catches my hands and pins them up, me wincing as he touches the several scratches on my arms.

Ashton's POV

I punch her as softly as I could in the side, but still to make it hurt. I hold her hands up, feeling the cuts in her wrists as her sleeves fall down. My nose almost touches hers, and I can feel her breath.

"What did I say about begging?" I lean in closer, practically breathing her in. "Doesn't work on me."

"No shit Sherlock." She coughs out, the blood draining from her face. "If it did, you wouldn't be beating up people when Yasmin tells you to like you're some kind of minion." She bites her lip, and I smack her across her face. The side of her head hits the locker, and I can see her bite her lip harder.

"Dude!" I hear from far away. I don't listen. I feel a pair of hands grab my middle and pull me off. I spin around to see Calum standing right behind me. Harmony slides to the ground.

"What?" I exclaim. He comes and stands in front of the almost passed out Harmony laying on the ground.

"Are you serious? Have you seen her back? She already gets enough at home!" He turns around fuming, and kneels down next to her.

She already gets enough at home.

Her dad? Her dad beats her?

I thought she fell or something else happened.

I'd never thought of that.

My eyes widen as I turn on my heels and walk quickly out of the school, leaving Calum and Harmony in the hall.



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