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Harmony's POV

I stand there, stunned at what Ashton just did. Did Ashton kiss me? What? I touch my lips lightly, feeling the swollen skin. The tingling feeling of his hands and his body still stays with me as he walks away, his back facing me. I stare after him. Why the fuck did he kiss me?

I quickly gather up my puppies and rush to Luke's house. The walk seems less peaceful than the walk to the park. I don't spot Ashton anywhere, which is good. I don't really want to talk to him right now.

Why would he kiss me? Is it what I said? He wanted to take the dare? He still hurts me every day, I don't see why this day was different. But this is what gets to me: Since we were in public he could have beaten me, and I gave him the option of kissing me. And he kissed me instead of hurting me. Wow.

My thoughts run through my brain and before I know it I'm at Luke's doorstep. I knock on the door, and after a few minutes it opens. Luke stands in his pajamas, and instantly looks down at my squirming puppies.

"What are those?" He points at them.

"Puppies!" I say excitedly. "I found them alone all gross and wet in an ally way! They looked sad that they lost their mother and I couldn't just leave them there because I know how it feels..." I trail off, not wanting to bring my mother into this conversation. "But anyway, do you want to help?" Luke's shiny smile shows and he nods.

I smile and walk into the house, holding the puppies close as I rush to the bathroom.

"Wait for me!" Luke yells from downstairs.

"Loser!" I yell back. I can almost feel him pouting.

I put the puppies in the bathtub and turn on the water, making it a warm water bath. The dirt instantly comes out of the puppies fur. I look at each one closely, I am relieved that none of them have any chunks of fur missing, or really deep scratches. I smooth my hand over their backs, letting the dirt fall out. They whimper in protest, but I keep them inside the tub. I take some shampoo and scrub it on the puppies, they continue to whine. I snort and then stop the water.

"Okay okay, we're done!" I say happily. They stop whining right away.

Luke rushed up with a towel, and we both towel dry the puppies. I take them out to the backyard even though we just cleaned them.

"So, what are you going to name them?" I shrug as he asks. "Can I help?"

"Yes! Of course." I smile. I look at all of them. "From what I've seen, there's two boys and a girl."

"Okay, for one of the boys it should be Coco." I roll my eyes.

"We're going original?" He starts to laugh.

"Yes." He says through a fit of giggles.

"Okay, Coco...." I trail off again. "Dexter!" I practically scream. He looks startled.

"Jesus, okay. Dexter it is." He crosses his legs. "Coco, Dexter, and for the girl?"

"Daisy." I look at the little one of the group.

"Daisy? For a black dog?" He says. I nod slowly. "Okay so Coco, Dexter, and Daisy." Coco wanders over to Luke and rests his head on his thigh. He pets him softly and the little puppy looks about to fall asleep.

"Since tomorrow is Sunday, do you want to come doggy shopping with me?" I ask him. The sun is almost done setting, and it's time to go home.

"Yeah, are you sure you want to go home with these?" He points at the puppies.

I nod. "I think I can handle it." I smile at him, then gather up all three of the black bundles of fur.

"Okay. If you ever need help, just ask." He smiles at me, and I look at him as smile back. We both stand up and I follow him in the house.

"Cya tomorrow Luke!" I yell from the front door. I open in, smiling at the ground, and bump into a hard chest.

"Oh I'm sorry-" When I look up to see who it is, I stop talking. This is the second time I've ran into Ashton today. The puppies squirm around in my arms, and I walk past him.

"Wait, Harmony." I stop. That was the first time I've ever heard him speak my name.

"Wow, you know the name of the person you beat up? I just thought you either hit them or fucked up their life from left to right, not caring who it was." That also slipped. What is it with me and slipping today. I bite my bottom lip. My head voice screams at me to stop. Ashton's fist become balls, and I start to back away slowly. "Ashton, I'm so sorry that did not mean to-"

"Yeah well I guess it shouldn't have." He steps closer as I step backwards. "You're going to pay." He steps closer again, and this time I don't move.

"Okay, well can I put my dogs down, or better yet drop them off before we get to this?" I ask, sounding rude as ever. He narrows his eyes at me, his manly arms flexing and going back to normal over and over again. I put my dogs down, and hold my hands up. "Go ahead. Beat me. I really don't care about life anymore. It sucks." What the fuck Harmony? Stop talking! I bite my lower lip harder and he steps forward again. I close my eyes, not wanting to watch him beat me.

"I know this is a test Harmony." He says. I shiver, his lips touch mine barely. I get butterflies in my stomach as he continues to speak. "So I'm not going to do anything today. But I guess this is also like a punishment." His fingers stroke my cheek bones. "Because I know you like me." His hands travel down to sides. "Just like you said about me today earlier."

"So I was correct?" I whisper, wanting to close the gap between us more than anything. But I also hate him for what he does. This is frustrating.


Ashton's POV

"So I was correct?" She asks, my hands travel down to her hips. As she speaks, her lips move closer to mine. I know she likes me.

"Oh sweetheart, I think I was the one correct." I move a strand of her blonde hair out of her face. She shivers under me, and I laugh silently to myself. "You better watch out Monday, slut." Then I turn around and leave her standing there again, just like I did earlier. I open Luke's front door, and then slam it shut.



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