Chapter 18

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He spent the whole rest of the night searching for you. But everyone he asked seemed to have "forgotten" who she was. even Naruto played dumb to Kakashi's questions. He would have been more aggressive, but his headache was still ripe and it showed no signs of giving in. Finally Kakashi went to the Hokage's office to get answers.

He walked up the stairs and to the door. he opened the door, not bothering to knock. Lady Tsunade was already looking at him as her entered her office. The two of them stared at each other; Kakashi trying to read Lady Tsunade's blank yet pensive expression, Lady Tsunade waiting for what she knew all day was coming.

"Lady Tsunade."


"Where is she?"

"I don't know what you mean?"

Kakashi's eyebrow twitched downward but he did not frown.

"Lady Tsunade, I hope you don't think that you can charm your way out if this."

"I hope you don't think you can just waltz in here making demands."

Her eyes narrowed.

"Remember where it is you stand, Kakashi."

"....Yes ma'am."

"Good. Now, I will tell you where (F/n) has gone, however, you are not permitted to go after her. Do you understand."

"That was all the information I needed. I noticed that Sai is gone. I don't remember hearing about him being assigned to any missions."

"Kakashi, don't concern yourself with this. (F/n) and Sai can han-"

"Why didn't you tell me (F/n) had left?"

"Ha, don't try to play cool Kakashi. Even if I wanted to tell you, you were in your own little dream world until just a couple hours ago."

"That's not my point. Why didn't you tell me before that she was planning on leaving? Why not assign me to be with her instead of Sai?"

"I didn't tell you because there was no time. She came toe with her plan yesterday. There was no time fore to rethink it and come up with a better solution. If I didn't give her my approval, she would have left without it. Alone."

"But you still could have assigned me to go I stead of Sai, so why didn't you?"

"Because she wanted it that way."


"She didn't want you to go with her Kakashi."


"Beats me. She knew how experienced you are as a ninja, but she chose not to get you involved."

Kakashi's voice rose an octave.

"Why didn't you make her tale me along?"

"And say what? I order you to take Kakashi with you? If I had said that, she would have left on her own."

Kakashi put his hands in his pocket. His voice returning to normal.

"I get your point. And I guess you couldn't send anyone to tell me since I was with her last night. "

"Exactly. Next time think things through before you come in here making demands."

"I wasn't making demands, and I did think things through."

"Not like the Kakashi I know. You look like you were on the brink of panicking....Do you really love her?"

"Yes. More than I ever thought possible."

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