Chapter 20

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-- (I/n) = Island name.
-- (C/n) = City name.
-- (B/p) = Body part.
-- (F/f) = Facial feature.

The sky had become dark and you had finally made it to the edge of (C/n). You stood in the shadow of the trees and bushes that surrounded you. Now all you had to do was find your sister. There was a field that was about 250 meters and went on for as long as your eyes could see in either direction of where you stood. Where the field ended in front of you there was a large canyon that went up the side of the volcano, splitting the city in half. There were also walls that surrounded both sides of the city with bridges connecting the it so people traveled between the two halves.

You slipped the green back pack off and unzipped the black zipper. You dug to the bottom of the backpack and found a black cloak. You pulled it out of the pack and draped it over your shoulders. You then threw the cloak around you. You closed the hood around your face and stepped out of the forest. Once you were no longer in the protection of the trees you speed through the rocky patches of grass and towards the canyon. The canyon was where you had another hideout that no one knew about, however, this one had a tunnel that lead to the center of the city where the higher ups of the city lived and conducted their business. Yo quickly made your way to the canyon and climbed up the rock to your left.

You climbed until you made it to a hole in the rock. The hole wasn't very big, just large for you to squeeze through. You made your way through the tunnel to an opening that lead to a large cave. Jumping down from the tunnel and into the cave, you scanned the dark empty space. Trying to sense You were the only person who knew about this place, but you still needed to be cautious. It had been almost a year since you left (I/n), so you didn't know what they were doing while you were gone.

You pulled your backpack off and dug through the pack until you found a flashlight; you had found it earlier underneath the black cloak. You turned the flashlight on and looked about. The cave was fairly large, twice the size of the Hokage's office and much higher. There were about three pillars in the cave; two towards the back and one in the middle. At the back wall of the cave was another tunnel which led to the center of the city.

Rocks and pebbles littered the ground and the entire cave was empty, save a medium sized box filled with food rations and a stack of wood next to it; Similar to what was in the previous cave. The light from the flashlight created a hugh of yellow throughout the cave. Sparkling the untouched rocks and pillars with a layer of moc gold. You let the light from the flashlight linger in place for a few moments, calming yourself.

You set your backpack down and walked around the cave, remembering all of the time that you once spent there. You had many different hideouts scattered about the region. some were smaller than others, but all served a purpose. They were your escape from the demands of your lineage and gave you a place to run away to. Since no one else knew that you had these hideouts, you could be gone for days just traveling between them and no one had any clue as to where you were or where you might have been. Just the thought of the freedom that you craved for, merely a year ago, made you realise just how much you needed to get away. To escape the horrible demands of (I/n) and your family. You did not strive to conquer, so their ambition was something that you never understood.

Yet, here you were, back to the place that you longed to get away from. Hours away from an inevitable meeting between your sister and you. You weren't afraid, you didn't feel a sense of home nor the inviting feeling that one would feel after return home. This place didn't feel like home and it wasn't your home any longer. Your home was with Kakashi. Here you felt like a stranger. Even as you stood in the empty cave, that you had once yearned to escape to, was now solely a means to your mission. You felt nothing standing there. The memories that accompanied the cave were not ones that you would call happy. Especially now, after you had felt true and real happiness. Thinking back to how you were before you journeyed to the leaf, you couldn't think of a time where you were truly happy.

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