Chapter 6

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Your POV

As you and Kakashi walked through the streets of Konoha you recalled the new things that you discovered; 1.) Ramen is a very delicious, 2.) Kakashi is supposedly a pervert. "That might explain why he keeps staring at me" you thought, and 3.)Naruto is the greatest ninja that ever lived and will one day become Hokage -- you highly doubted that, but who knows?

While you thought about all the new experiences you've had since you entered through the gates of Konoha just a few hours ago, your thoughts soon drifted to the shinobi currently walking next to you. The two of you hadn't talked since you left the small ramen shop, largely due to the fact that before the two of you left Naruto carried out on an assault of dirty comments, lewd snickers and winks towards Kakashi generating the most awkward of atmospheres between the two of you.

"Stupid boy!" you seethed, bringing your right thumb to your mouth and biting it whilst crossing your other arm under your chest. "Having the nerve to speak to his superior in such a matter. If that were my student I would have set him straight in an instant, confounding little twit. I had half a mind to run him through with a chopstick when he insinuated that Kakashi and I-"

"Are you alright?" Kakashi asked, bringing you out of your thoughts.

"Yes I'm fine, just... a little tired. " you stated, keeping your face relaxed and unreadable.

" Alright, well... we're here." he said gesturing to a small apartment building that they were now standing in front of.

You observed the building for a few moments. "Hmm," you pondered, "I guess this'll have to do." you thought with a sigh before turning to Kakashi. He wasn't facing you but you knew he was staring at you again."And here I thought we had moved on from this, how vexing." you sighed again.

"Are you sure your alright?" Kakashi asked, concern slightly discernible in his voice.

"Yes I assure you, I am fine. My apologies for causing you concern, and thank you for escorting to my new residence."

" ....If you say so. I see your still having trouble with commoners talk." he joked walking into the building

The building was small, at least to your standards. It stood three stories tall and looked large enough to hold at least 20 rooms. The building looked old and warn out. The inside however wasn't as bad as the outside, in fact, the inside looked brand new. The floors and staircase were wood and looked newly waxed, the walls a soothing pale beige.

You shrugged off Kakashi comment, suddenly feeling the tiredness that came with finally being so close to your own space. It was only around 9:00pm or 10:00pm, but you had been up since 6:00am and traveling all day.

The two of you ascended the steps until you reached the second floor. The hallway was dimly lit by candles that were placed on the wall between the doors that lined the hallway. There were four doors on each side, the wood matching the floor. Kakashi walked to the end of the hallway and stopped in front of the last door on the right side of the hallway, you followed close behind. He took a key out of his pocket and unlocked the door before handing the key to you. Pushing the door open Kakashi moved so you could walk in first.

The room was small but it was very cozy. There was a small hallway that lead to a kitchen that had a table and two chairs. There was a door just before the kitchen. Opening the door you realize that it was a bathroom with a toilets and sink to your left and a small shower on your right. stepping out of the small bathroom you looked towards Kakashi who was standing behind you, eye smiling.

"Where am I suppose to sleep?" you asked feeling an impending yawn.

"Right behind this door." Kakashi motioned to set of Japanese style doors.

There were four doors that where beige with wood framing that matched the wood floors. Kakashi slid one of the doors open revealing a decent sized room already furnished with a small desk and sitting cushion on the far side of the room and a futon in the middle.

you sighed in delight at seeing the futon already laid out and ready to sleep in.

"Thank you very much for your kindness." you smiled brightly at Kakashi. He eye smiled back at you as you went into your new room.

"No problem... by the way, " he began, " where is your luggage?"

"Oh, Its here just in another space." with that you did a few complicated hand signs and reached your arm into your side satchel, pulling out two medium sized bags. Kakashi was surprised at seeing your ability, it looked very similar to his own.

"Ok, then I guess I'll be leaving." he said turning away and out of your new room.

"I'll escort you out." you said getting up and walking towards him.

"No no, you need your rest. I can escort myself out. I'm right next door if you need me." he smiled one more time at you before he turned and walked down the short hallway towards the door. Despite what he said, you followed him anyway.

As he left your apartment he chuckled as he saw you behind him.

"Thank you again," you bowed " and good night."

"Good night." He eye smiled cheerfully, " I'll be here again tomorrow to escort you to the Hokages office to discuss the alliance."

"Very well, Until then." you bowed again.

"Yes until then." Kakashi repeated your words amusedly " Sweet dreams." he added before bowing himself and walking towards his apartment. With that you closed your door and walked to your room. Going through your clothes you found a (f/c) night gown that was mid thigh length. Changing into the night gown you then crawled into bed.


Sorry this is so late, forgive me :'(

Hope you guys like!! Tchao

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