Chapter 25

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Kakashi, Fertari, Kiba and Shino traveled quickly through the forest behind Sai. Kakashi had decided that he would take Shino and Fertari along. Shino would put a tracker bug on Fertari and keep an eye on her. Sai would lead them to the Island and Fertari would lead them the rest of the way. Kiba had seen Shino leaving and decided that he would tag along.

It was very risky and she could easily lead them into an ambush, but he'd planned for that. Just before they left, Kakashi let it slip that the leaf didn't have a use for two hostages and if anything happened to the leaf ninja on this mission, her partners life would be forfeit. He also inferred that he was not easily tricked and had very little patience. He let her come up with the rest.

The Hokage would never have a hostage killed for such reasons, but Fertari didn't know that.

Kakashi hoped that you were safe. If only he had left sooner or better yet, if you had told him and let him to go with you. With you gone, it felt as if he was going through withdraw. His body ached for no reason, headaches, and sleepless nights. He loved you so much and it had been so long since he'd seen you; felt your warmth next to him. He inwardly shook when he thought of what they could be doing to you.

Taking you back to (I/n) must have always been their plan, but why? Did they want information from you? If they did, they'd be very disappointed to discover that you knew nothing about the leaf.

The journey to (I/n) started out easy enough, save the turmoil Kakashi was going through internally. To Kakashi's surprise, Fertari hadn't tried to run. In fact, she started asking questions.

"What was she like?"

Fertari had started to sprint next to him. She was supposed to be in the middle of the formation, but Kakashi didn't care to say anything. If she tried anything, he'd take her down.

"What?" Kakashi glance at her.

"What was (F/n) like at the leaf village?"

"...Nice I guess."

"What do you mean by that?" She got a little closer to him, which made Kakashi tense and heighten his guard.

They had made it to a shore where the forest met a wide sea. Kakashi went ahead and conversed with Sai for a while.

"Can you get us to the island from here?"

"Yes, but I'll need to rest if I'm going to be carrying all of you."

"Alright, how long do you need?"

"Only a few hours..."

"Ok. We can rest here. Just let me know when you're ready. I'll have Kiba and Shino scout the area just in case." Sai nodded.

Kakashi looked across the open sea for a moment before turning and walking towards Shino, who was leaning against a tree. Just as he was leaving, Sai stopped him.

"Kakashi Sensei..."

"Yeah?" Kakashi turned back to the pale ninja.

"I'm sorry ...for leaving (F/n) behind."

Kakashi was silent for a moment. He felt a thorn in his chest for an instant.

"There's no need for you to apologize. You were following orders."

"But, Naruto would have tried to save her."

"You and Naruto are not the same. You don't have to base what you do on what Naruto may or may not do. Besides, if you did try going after her, you would have been captured too."

"I believe I understand."

"Great, now get some rest."

Sai nodded and Kakashi went back to what he was going to do. Debriefing Shino was quite easy, he didn't question anything and simply nodded. Kiba was harder to talk to, only because he and Akamaru were having a grand time playing in the water. They even tried to drag Kakashi into their "fun" by splashing him with water, or at least trying to. He didn't bother telling Fertari, it didn't really matter whether or not she knew or not. After talking to Kiba, Kakashi sift through the supplies to make sure they had everything that they needed. Kiba had placed it in the sand before he went to play. As her rummaged through the packs he felt Fertari getting closer to him.

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