Chapter 9

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Kakashi POV

His eyes slowly began to open as he woke to the sun blazing through his window. Trying to fight off the growing need to wake up, Kakashi turned on his side and closed his eyes tighter in order to shut out as much sun light as possible. When he turned, however, he realized that he wasn't on his bed. ' Where....' he thought, still to tired to complete his thought. He sat up, yawned and proceeded to survey his surroundings. That's when he noticed (f/n) and everything started coming back to him. He shuddered as he remembered the nightmare and brought his eyes back to the peaceful form next to him. The first thing that he noticed was that she was wearing a night gown that, at the moment, was scrunched up just below her hips. Kakashi flinched as his face became flushed. Turning away slowly Kakashi took a deep breath before lifting (f/n)'s sleeping form and gently placed her on his bed, slowly covering her with his blanket. 

Kakashi sat on the bed for a while, running his fingers across her face and through her hair. ' So beautiful.' he thought standing up. ' I never thought that i'd actually get the chance to see her sleeping face.' he thought taking one last glance at (f/n) before walking out of the room, slowly closing the door. ' Now what?' he pondered walking into the kitchen. Looking into his refrigerator he saw a pack of a dozen eggs, tsukemono(pickles), some nori(dried seaweed), and a half eaten daikon radish. ' hmmmm, ' he thought, ' I guess I'll make breakfast.' he decided taking out the ingredients for miso soup, rolled omelet, rice and pickles and chopped diakon radish on the side. As he was making breakfast he heard a very loud and obnoxious rapping at his front door followed by, 

" KAKASHI, IT'S TIME YOU EMBRACE YOUR YOUTH AND COME DO 100 NO 200 LAPS AROUND THE VILLAGE WITH ME!!!!" Kakashi sighed, setting down the spatula and walking to the door, opening it cautiously.

" Hello Guy," he started " sorry but I'm busy at the moment so maybe we can run laps some other time." he said to his friend. 

" NONSENSE, THERE IS ALWAYS TIME FOR THE GREATNESS OF YOUTH!!" Guy yelled before pushing his way into Kakashi's apartment.

" Come on guy it's only...."

" Ah, it is already 6:30am on this lovely morning! Doesn't it make your body just scream for activity and harsh training!?" Guy said, quieter thankfully.

" No." Kakashi sighed, " It doesn't." 

Guy ignored Kakashi as he made his way into the kitchen. ' ugh, why now of all times?' Kakashi face-palmed.

" Mmmm mmm, What is that wonderful smell?" guy asked looking towards the stove and the array of ingredients spread across the small counter. " Ooooh, there's enough food here for two people," Guy gasped, " you knew I was coming and decided to brighten my already wonderful mourning by making me breakfast? I'm so touched!" guy said lunging towards Kakashi in an attempt to huge him. Fortunately Kakashi dodged Guy causing the bushy browed man to fall flat on the ground.

" This food is not for you Guy, and could you please keep it down? some people are trying to sleep." Kakashi said and immediately wished he hadn't.

" What people?" Guy asked standing back up.

" No one, it's just a figure of speech." Kakashi stated going back to his cooking.

" Hmm, very suspicious." guy said rubbing his chin, " Kakashi Hatake, making breakfast for him....and someone else it seems, wanting me too be quiet even though he is already wide awake, and the fact that he's awake at such an early hour. hmmmm." he thought some more before turning towards Kakashi's bedroom door, " The Kakashi I know would never wake up this early and prepare breakfast, unless...."
guy turned towards Kakashi with a very wide smile, slowly moving towards the sliding door. Kakashi caught his movement and quickly cut him off, placing himself between Guy and his bedroom door.

" I don't think I gave you permission to go in there guy." Kakashi eyed smiled menacingly.

" Whats  the matter Kakashi? Could there be something your hiding from your dear friend?" 

" Of course not, I would just like some privacy. Besides, whats in my room doesn't really concern you."

" Oh so there is something in there!" Guy smiled mischievously.

" No, I assure you there isn't."

" Really?" 

" Yes." 

" Then you won't mind me taking a look!" Guy moved closer towards Kakashi and suddenly swung a high kick towards Kakashi. Kakashi blocked the kick with his fore arm and grabbed Guys leg with his other hand. 

" Why must you be so stubborn?" Kakashi sighed before Kicking Guy in the chest sending him flying and hitting the wall.

" That was a nice kick, but I wont give up until you show me what your hiding!" guy got up and lunged at Kakashi.

They wrestled for a while until finally Kakashi got Guy into a Headlock on the floor, Kakashi sitting Guy's back and his arm wrapped around his neck. Then to Kakashi's dismay the door to his room slowly slid open revealing (f/n).

" Crap..." he mumbled


Your POV

(f/n) woke to a loud thud coming from somewhere. At first she paid it no mind, but then she heard another thud and some yelling. Sitting up quickly (f/n) listened for chakra frequencies. She detected Kakashi's and another who she didn't recognize. The frequencies weren't distressed but they where slightly heightened, especially Kakashi's. Getting off the bed (f/n) slowly made her way to the door. ' How did I get on the bed anyway?" she questioned before looking down and seeing that she was still in her short night gown. Looking around she spotted a closet. Walking to the closet she opened it and puled out a pair of pants, " This'll have to do." she mumbled before pulling the pants up to her waist. She folded the hem of the pants a few times; one, so they didn't fall off and two, so they didn't drag on the floor. 

Slowly making her way back to the door, she eased the door open, keeping her guard up in case anything jumped out at her. (f/n) was surprised to see Kakashi holding a man with bushy black eyebrows and a black bob, in a choke hold on the floor. She stood there for a moment not knowing what to do. The man with the bushy eyebrows' eyes widened, 

" Wha- Kakashi you were hid-" Guy started before Kakashi clasped his hand over his mouth.

" (f/n), good mourning! Don't mind this, you should go back to sleep, it's still early. Breakfast will be done in a little bit, I'll wake you up when it's done. Ok?" Kakashi said eye smiling, the bushy browed man struggling under Kakashi's grip.

" well." (f/n) nodded before closing the door again and plopping back on the bed. She laid there for about 5 minutes before sitting back up. " He wasn't wearing a shirt." she said, getting off the bed and going to the closet. she rummaged through the clothes before picking out a black sleeveless turtle neck. closing the closet (f/n) stepped out of the bed room where her eyes met with the man with large eyebrows. He was staring very intently at her as if trying to figure out a complicated math problem. (f/n) drew her eyes away from the man, deciding that it would be best to ignore him, and walked over to where Kakashi was. He was holding two plates and was placing them on the table. After he had placed the breakfast on the table he turned to (f/n) and smiled. 

" I didn't say breakfast was ready yet." he said eye smiling. 

" I suppose you did not." she said trying not to look at his bare chest. " I just thought you should be properly dressed when there are quests in your home." she stated handing him the shirt.

" Oh, thank you! I didn't even realize." Kakashi chuckled pulling the shirt over his head.

" KAKASHI!!!" the bushy browed man yelled standing up and grabbing Kakashi's shoulders, shaking them violently, " WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THAT YOU WHERE LIVING IN SUCH YOUTHFUL BLISS!" Kakashi seemed surprised by the mans sudden outburst. " I can see it now, making breakfast for your women after a HOT STEAMY NIGHT OF PASS-mmmm!" the man was cut off by Kakashi shoving a large piece of daikon radish into his mouth.

" Guy, I thought I told you already. YOU'RE TOO LOUD." Kakashi said the last part sternly before turning back to (f/n). " Anyway, (f/n) you can-.....are pants?" 

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