Chapter 28

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The beginning is from, In The Woods Somewhere by Hozier. 

I added some verses, the first three lines are not from the song, to it and changed a few words just to make it pertain better to the story. The mood of the song is kind how I want the mood of this chapter to be, so I would suggest listening to it as you read.

Sorry this is soooooooo sooooooooo late. Truthfully, I haven't been on wattpad that much for the past month and a half so that's why I didn't update. 

Hope you guys and/or gals like! 


I sat in night.

I clutched a hand

I looked at you, but my eyes were closed.

Our head was warm,

My skin was soaked.

I called your name 'til the fever broke.

When I awoke

The moon still hung.

The night so black that the darkness hummed.

Tree's they whispered.

The wind it blew

Why had you gone alone out there

I raised myself.

My legs were weak.

I prayed my mind be good to me.

The land of black

Where monsters dwell.

I feel them crawling on the forest floor.

An awful noise

Filled the air.

I heard a scream in the woods somewhere.

It was your voice!

I quickly ran

Into the trees with empty hands.

A fox it was,

He shook afraid.

I spoke no words, no sound he made.

His bone exposed,

His hind was lame.

I raised a stone to end his pain.

What caused the wound?

How large the teeth?

I saw new eyes were watching me.

Behind the tree's

How black it was.

Had it come to finally kill me?

The creature lunged.

I turned and ran

To save a life I didn't have.

Dear, in the chase

There as I flew

Forgot all prayers of joining you.

I clutched my life

And wished it kept.

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