Chapter 15

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Kakashi POV

Kakashi woke early that mourning, despite the activity the two of you performed last night. You were still laying next to him; your breathing even; your eyes closed. You were still laying on Kakashi's chest and Kakashi didn't want to move. He didn't want to wake you. He gently ran his fingers over your bare back and through your hair. He felt himself begin to fall back into a peaceful and nightmare free slumber, but his peace was; as always interrupted by the one and only, Guy. Luckily Kakashi locked the door to his apartment last night. He hear his loud friends muffled yells erupt from underneath the door of his room, but it wasn't just Guy that he heard. He also heard the slightly angered voices of Naruto, Sakura and Ten Ten. Kakashi sighed, scratching his forehead.

"So much for not waking her up." he thought tiredly. With a little sprinkle of annoyance.

He felt you move on top of him. A sign of your waking. Kakashi's breath caught in his throat as he felt your naked body move against his, especially your perfect (size) breasts. Kakashi gave a slight moan, which caused your tired gaze to move to his face. Your head lifting up a little, revealing your cleavage that was pressed against his chest. Kakashi's face turned a light pink as he looked away from you. Trying his hardest not to get aroused by how sexy you were. You lifted your self up a little more and brought your gaze to the door.

"She must have noticed that we have guests." Kakashi thought, his control slipping a little as you moved your body forward, your eyes more focused on the door. Your breasts where right in front of him and he had to fight the urge to just grab them, throw you down, and take you again. KKakashi's heart was beating faster and his breath started becoming just a smidgen eratic. Slowly, he brought his hand to your shoulder and cleared his throat,


"Hmm!" she was a little surprised hearing his voice. She turned her head slightly to look a him. She looked puzzled and Kakashi could help but think of how cute you were.

"Are you toying with me again?" he asked bringing the had that was once on your shoulder to the small of your back. You looked at him curiously for a few moments before he saw realization make its way to your face. Your eyes widened and you face turned a bright shade of red that made Kakashi chuckle.

"N-no...I was just....there are people outside and they...." you voice fell.

"What about them?" he asked seductively, moving his had under the covers to squeeze you (size-plump toned etc.) derrière, but he could tell that you weren't in the mood.

Kakashi got up slowly, and you wrapped some of the bed sheets around yourself. He look at you face for a while. It was the same as it was last night, full of pain a regret, but this time it was hidden behind an emotionless mask.

"What's the matter?" he asked wrapping himself in the sheets as well before stroking your cheek.

"There me." you stated.

"Stop that," Kakashi frowned grabbing your face and bringing it closer to yours, "they're not mad at you. they're just worried. Come on," Kasashi got off the bed and began dressing himself. He went over to his closet and pulled out one of his more baggy sweaters and a pair of black boxer briefs.

"Here," he said handing the clothes to you. "put these on."

You took the clothing and unwrapped yourself from the sheets. Kakashi turned around to give you some privacy. He felt a light tap on his shoulder and he turned around. He would have gushed over how cute you looked in his large sweater and underwear, but the look on your face pulled him towards worry. Did you regret what the two of you did last night? Kakashi closed the distance between the two of you and put his hands on your shoulders as you looked up at him emotionless. He gently pressed his forehead to yours,

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