Chapter 3

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Your POV

The two of you stopped in front of a door. You looked towards the door, waiting for it to be opened. the door didn't move. You looked up at Kakashi and noticed he was staring at you again."Maybe he still thinks I'm a threat?" you thought, "but he doesn't seem like he's threatened by me so why does he continue to look at me even now as we stand in front of his leaders office, hopefully his behavior ceases when we are in the presence of this Hokage" you arched an eyebrow at him becoming irritated by his constant stare. He finally noticed that he was still staring at you and turned towards the door. He scratched the back of his head before opening the door.

When you entered the hokages office you noticed how clean the room was, 'A sign of a good leader' you thought. There was a woman sitting at a large desk directly in front of you with a window behind her, overseeing the entire village. The women was blond with strong brown eyes wearing a green over coat with black lining over a very low cut crossover shirt. You bowed respectfully to her as Kakashi began to speak.

"I have completed my mission lady Tsunade, now if you would allow me to leave, I have other task that I have to tend to." Kakashi said motioning toward the door.

"I didn't say you could leave Kakashi." lady Tsunade stated, "Your mission is not complete yet, I appointed you to be her guide remember? Besides what other task do you need to do other than read Icha Icha?"

Kakashi sighed, "Alright."

"Good, now Miss (F/n) (L/n), second daughter of the majesty of (I/n) Island. I am the Hokage, the leader of this village. You may call me Lady Tsunade. I welcome you to Konoha."

You bowed respectively "My thanks for your welcome. I hope my stay doesn't vex you, as I am imposing on your home" you stood up straight and looked at the Hokage.

"Not at all, you are as welcome here as any of the residents. We are happy that you would decide to live here just to insure the strength of the alliance."

"Yes, It was my fathers decision." you looked over towards Kakashi who was standing next to you on your left who had resumed looking at you through the corner of his eye "I hope it isn't too disrespectful of me to state, however I do hope that not all of your ninja are as distracted as he seems to be." you said looking back towards the Hokage.

Lady tsunade looked surprised by your statement. thinking that you had said something out of place you bowed quickly while apologizing,

"I am truly sorry I didn't intend any disrespect"

"No, no you don't need to apologize. I was just surprised. Kakashi is one our best shinobi, it's hard to believe that he was distracted in any way...however now that you mention it, he does seem very transfixed on you."

She looked towards Kakashi who seemed oblivious to the current conversation and still held his gaze on you. Lady Tsunade cleared her throat before yelling,

"KAKASHI!" Kakashi flinched, stunned by the sudden yelling.

He looked to the Hokage who had a devious smile plastered onto her face.

"If you're done gawking at our guest."

"Yes I am, and I wasn't gawking."

"Good, now come over to my desk and get Mrs. (L/n)'s new address. Mrs. (L/n) I will be appointing Kakashi Hatake as your guide, if you need anything don't hesitate to ask him." she said with a smile.

Kakashi walked over to her desk and picked up a piece of paper. They started whispering to each other for a few seconds before he turned back around and reclaimed his place standing Next to you. "She must have scolded him for his behavior." you thought. After Kakashi had returned to his previous place the Hokage spoke again,

"We'll hold a meeting to discuss the alliance tomorrow for now you should get some rest and tour the village. Kakashi escort her to where she will be staying."

"Yes ma'am" Kakashi said before he turned towards the door, opening it and stepping aside to allow you to to go before him. You nodded and thanked her before turning and leaving the office, Kakashi following closely behind you. "He's probably still looking at me." you sighed.

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