Chapter 30

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For all of you who have been waiting, I am sorry. 

That is all I can say, other than I blame it on procrastination and laziness. 

No excuses, it's all my fault and I am truly sorry for taking sooo long to put this chapter out. 

This is technically the end, but I will try to put out one last lemon for you all.

Do not wait for it, just think of it as a random gift that may come some time in the future.

Sorry again, and enjoy! And thank you for following me on this  journey! . 


Kakashi POV

Kakashi watched as you ran from - what he believed, him. Kakashi lowered his hands and sighed.

Him being the copycat ninja, and being witness to some of the best genjutsu anyone could imagine, he concluded quite easily and angrily that this person was using a type of genjutsu on you to confuse you. He could say why and frankly he didn't care why.

The situation was making Kakashi feel a mix of very negative emotions. All he wanted to do was be with you after being apart for so long, and them actually watching you suffer and hurt made him want to protect you even more.

"This person is in the way..."

Just as the thought crossed his mind, the other man turned to him smirking. Kakashi's eyes narrowed and he clenched his fists.

Based on the other man's chakra, Kakashi could take him out, but it would take him a while.

"Surprisingly, this guy doesn't have any openings. I need to go after (Name), but if I don't fight him now this guy'll become a problem later."

Kakashi weighed his options and started on an action plan. Ultimately deciding, in order to speed things up, he would attack first.

Kakashi lunged. Kunai already ready to strike. Kakashi went straight for the kill on the first move, aiming his kunai right at the other man's head. Then, when his attack was blocked, continued swiftly to slash the man's throat.

It looked like the other man was about to say something, but Kakashi did not have time for him. If there was anything that Kakashi needed to know about him, you would tell him, and if you didn't then it was no skin of his bones not knowing.

Unless, that is, if you were planning on running away with this guy. That Kakashi would not take. And, giving the earlier events, just became a card on the table.

"Fuck!" He thought, twisting after his throat attack was block and countering with a jump high kick, which to his utter annoyance, was blocked.

Just as he was about to send another kick the man's way, the man jumped up and onto one of the lower tree branches. Kakashi was in route to follow with another attack when the man spoke.

"Wait!" The man said, the smirk ever present on his face.

Hesitated for a split second, but decided against letting this battle drag on with idle chatter. He was about to make another move when the man spoke again, this time he didn't stop.

"Don't you wish to know who I am?" The man asked, dodging Kakashi's attack.

Kakashi did not respond to the question and continued his attack. Pushing the man back, hopping from tree branch to tree branch. Kakashi was getting impatient.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2016 ⏰

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