Chapter 24

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 (Frd/n-guy) - I changed (F/n-guy)-friends name-guy, to  (Frd/n-guy).

(S/n) - Sister's name



This chapter is kinda......Intense I guess you could say. 

If you're uncomfortable with or would rather not read the beginning of a possible rape scene, then You can stop reading at "I won't". I'll mark it with a line or something. Sorry if this warning spoils part of the chapter for those of you who do read the whole chapter, but don't worry it's not gonna spoil much!



You woke to darkness. You sat up, suddenly surprised that you could move your own body. You looked around the space and tried to figure out where you were, but you couldn't see a thing. It was as if you had never left that room. You tried to remember what happened. You remembered the sphere and the black clouds and you remembered your sister standing there. Your body started moving on it's own and talking on it's own. Yo touched the sphere and....Your eyes shot open.

"My hand." You said aloud lifting your right arm. You tried to move your hand, but you felt nothing.

"Dammit! Why? What happened? Why did my body move on it's own? Was I possessed? Is this all part of (S/n)'s plan?"

"Don't be so upset. We meant you no harm, (F/n)."

You froze.

"What was that?......Who's there?"

"Don't be alarmed. We are here to help you."

"Who are you?"

"We are apart of you."


"We are they power that has been sealed inside of your body since you were born."

"You must be mistaken. I never had any more power than I always had. I've never had a seal placed on me."

"You're wrong. Both you and your sister had us sealed inside of your bodies. Your sister however, wanted all of our power. So, we took it back and are now giving ourselves to you."

"That can't be true. I would have known. I would have felt your power inside of me."

"Not necessarily. The seal that was used to keep half of our power inside of you was much stronger than the seal that your sister had. While she was able to use our power for various things, the power that you have used thus far has been purely your own."

"Then why are you offering me more? Why surrender yourself to me?"

"We cannot exist without a human vessel. We are pure energy. You give us a form. If we were not linked to you by the contract that your father present us with, then we would be nothing more than chakra wandering aimlessly in the air, like clouds."

"Contract? What contract?"

"In exchange for your bodies; yours and your sisters, we would grant you power beyond measure. Before, we were in a shrine in a different land. We resided in the statues there; the statues Maria and Claire."

"Is that who you are? Maria and Claire?"

"We do not know. We know not who what we are nor how we came to be. Those are simply the names of the statues."

"My father is dead. You have to reason to continue with the contract. You no longer have a reason to be sealed inside of my body."

"But we do. Like we said, we have no physical form. Without the contract we are merely clouds floating in the sky, however with the contract, we can be whatever you choose to be."

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