My secret cousin

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" Chris what's going on?!"

" The pack is waiting outside for we are battling-"

He got interrupted because of a huge explosion.

I covered my ears. Everyone that was staring at me and Chris suddenly started to run towards the exit.

" what is that?!"

He looked uncertain," umm, cheese demons?!"

I stared at him, " you joking right?"

He shook his head

" Egyptian Monster,"

I got the miniature books from my pocket and made the Greek, Roman and Egyptian spell and magic book grow to the size of a regular book.

I saw a guy, he looked like a basketball player, had skin that was the color of hot cocoa, his face was a bit as regal and as handsome as the statue of a pharaoh, he was tall ,athletic, he had warm dark brown eyes, he wore a black muscle shirt ,black jeans ,a black leather duster, and black combat boots.

Even from 12 feet away he smelled like vanilla candles, maybe with my wolf senses, since the pack ,Chris and I were the only ones that can smell him.

I saw Jason ,Leo ,Nico ,Connor, Travis, Frank, and Malcolm run towards the demons.

The pack was holding them off pretty good, the basketball guy took out a curved sword, a Khopesh .

I opened the book and started to chant the spell to send the demons into the Duat what ever that is.

Everyone stopped, the ones that were battling the demons, the basketball guy got slashed in the chest.

As I started to chant my left hand started to send sets of hieroglyphics to the cheese demons, hurting them.

The guy stared at me and started to slash at the demons. Chris, Julian, Ethan, and Benjamin (A/N those are the names of the people in the pack) attacked the demons harder and even wounded them making the wounds drop sand.

The spell was getting more complex yet I finished it and a hole appeared below the cheese demons. The pack stared to cheer, I didn't pay attention since I ran to the guy.

He had an amulet just like CK had but his was an eye this was like an angle or a weird alien.

The demigods ran near me but were stopped by Ben and Julian. Even though the demigods were strong, werewolves are stronger and have more power.

The bell rang, I facepalmed , I forgot I had school!!

I got my skateboard in my backpack and carried the guy in my arms.

"Chris, Ethan send the pack back to camp,"

"But Alpha-"

"Go to camp NOW!!" I said with so much command that the pack whimpered and the demigods flinched.

Ben and Ethan let go of the demigods making Leo fall on his face.

I started to concentrate in a gem. I choose the yellow one.

My eyes turned golden yellow, I saw from the corner of my eye that the Conner, Travis, and Jason were trying to look at me in the face, the others were still on the floor.

"Alpha do you really-"

I glared at Ethan ,shutting him up and freaking him out with my golden eyes.

"Just go,"

I thought of light and the speed it would go, I got home about two seconds later.

By the time I got the guy on the kitchen table my shirt was already covered in his blood.

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