Love and War

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Right when the mortals got in the vans and drove to New York the monsters landed.

Many of the monsters were looking for me in a rage. Like a pack of piranhas looking for food. Wow I'm really that hated by that many well...... monsters. wow a lot of enemies.

All of the demi gods did as I told them, Leo was that first one to get on the boat.

Jason and Thalia started to fly just like I told them in the iris message.

there was more than 5000 monsters, heck there was even more than that maybe millions.

how in the fucking world did CC get that many, I have no idea.

the battle started.

Instead of CC sending her monsters to the other demigods, she send them to me. yippee

All the demigods went to my side, battling as much monsters as they could.

the first monster that attacked me it was surprisingly and arua, stupid wind spirits.

actually to defeated them real easily, since I could control the water in the air.

by the time Leo got to my side I was already battling a Hydra, a Makhai which means a spirt of battle, a Griffin, two Cacus, twelve empousai, and a drakon.

Leo set himself on fire and attacked the Griffin since he could burn him.

I stared into the eyes of the two Cacus and used the violet get.

"Kill youselves," I commanded.

Suddenly they straighten and did a salute ,"As you wish our lord", they both said freaking me out since they now had violet eyes and stabbed themselves with a sword.

The empousai hissed and some turn into regular teenage girls.

One purred at me ,"Now why don't you come and give me a kiss instead,"

She had brown eyes, golden hair, dimples, a perfect tan, was an inch shorter then me, and looked like a girl any guy but me would fall for since I was in love with Annabeth.

I dropped the sword making myself look like if in a trance while Leo defeated the Griffin.

"Percy, snap out of-" he stopped when he saw her.

Suddenly she smiled thinking she has won when I smirk, I saw the moon and made myself change into a wolf.

The twelve empousai jumped back when I attacked the first one.

It disintegrated when my teeth connected with its neck.

Leo got out of the trance.

He shot fire to one closest to him. That one shrieked to death. I saw Chris and the rest of the pack attack a bunch of Hydras, Lee and Michael got the Apollo cabin to shoot a group of Telekines and Sphinxes.

Fire boy and water girl, ha, we started to work together to defeat the empousai ,only two were left from the twelve. I guess the drakon got borde and left with the spirit since I couldn't see them.

Leo killed one of the two empousai which bursted into a pile of dust.

The last empousai started to sneak behind him with a very familiar looking knife...... IT WAS ANNABETH'S KNIFE!!!!.

I got pissed off by this. I changed from my wolf form to my human mode.

"NOO!!!!!!" I got between Leo and the knife, Leo gasped and I was my life flash before my eyes.

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