seven weird dreams and I freak out

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I look down to my body and saw that I was pale, a girl started to run closer to me. She stopped running when she saw me. The girl started to tear up and smile at the same time which I found normal for some reason. "I'm so sorry Percy" huh???? that was not what I was expecting at all." I'M SO SORRY, PLEASE I'M SORRY, SO SORRY, PLEASE FORGIVE ME"  I just stare at her and said ,"I already forgave you like five times already" she shock her head, " I know you don't mean it" she put her hand down and started to walk away I started to sink to the ground knowing I was going to the next dream.

I was in a room ,it was pitch black then I saw eight glowing lights. I go to the closest one the sea green orb , the orb grow and I saw Bianca , Esperanza , and the girl that kept saying sorry to me running from somewhere that looked like San Francisco , the orb closes I go to the next one it was blue I touched it and saw Conner and Travis Stoll running with horse girl who was following a guy that looked a lot like mom and had the sent of death but had a lot of amulets. That orb closes too. The next one came to me it was black ,it open and I saw Thalia, surprisingly Luke , and Nico talking to, you know what i'm just going to call the girl-her . That orb didn't close it flew away from me to the other two that I saw. The next light was fire red and I saw Leo, her and a guy that looked like Smelly Gabe except younger not bald had mom's eyes and had FUCKING WINGS!!!!!!! that one burned out like the fire it was made up of. the next light electrocuted me which showed me Jason and her holding sticks and shouting random words which send sparks everywhere. the next one was blood red it started to drip and showed Frank, her, and some girls that sparkled in the sun, it dried up and went with the others. One was silver which showed Artemis ,her ,Bianca, Thalia, and Phoebe with the hunters. The last one disappeared with the silver one ,so there were only six lights now. They didn't make sense at all, then I saw the first orb open again and saw someone being crowned, I saw my brothers Logan , Tyson, and Triton talking about me then it turned off like the others. I felt myself being pulled to the next dream.

I stood face to face with the goddess of love ,Aphrodite. she smiled at me and said," Why aren't you a beauty"  I just stare at her like if she is crazy, how can I be beautiful when I'm a guy? I look down and was surprised to see that I was in a body of a girl then it changed to my body again. I sigh in relief and saw Aphrodite laughing like she enjoyed my shock. "Oh now that you are like that I can finally have a HUGE love triangle  and I can now do that with guys that loved you when you were still a guy so imagine now that you are like this sweetie" she said winking at me, I paled rapidly at that thought ,wait  some guys had a crush on me when I was a guy...I mean am a guy...GAAAA YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!!!!!!  I start to go to the next dream.

I saw Jason and Piper holding hands, I wanted to cry at least they have a good relationship not like wise girl and me. I saw Piper look joyful while Jason looked confused. Piper stops and turns to Jason with a proud look in her eyes. "Jason, we are breaking up" WHAT!? I guess Jason was thinking the same thing because his face said it clearly. "What? What did I do?!" Jason asked, I was also wondering that. "Oh nothing but I never loved you Jason, you were only my rite of passage" she said laughing leaving a heartbroken Jason in the beach. "Oh and I already know your bisexual Jason," yelled Piper back making him blush look down at the water and start to blush even more by seeing the ocean.

I can tell I was being put back in time because my mind told me it was the time I was holding the gem and fell into unconsciousness. I was at camp I guess this was also before Jasper broke up because they were in the campfire holding hands. Suddenly  Nico and Hazel started to scream and clutch their head like Bianca did. Hazel looked sick and Nico look like someone punched his stomach. Everyone was shock looking at them unable to do anything until they both fell into unconscious. Leo and Frank got them before they could fall and I saw a flash of light, even though it was a dream I still covered my eyes .I saw the Fates with their ball of yarns they sat in their chair while everyone but me, Leo ,Frank, Hazel, and Nico bowed. "Lady Fates, what do we have the honer of your presence" Grover said looking green at the exact time Haz, and Niks started to scream. they looked at Grover cutting a seagreen cord. He paled and gasped, "No, no he couldn't have died" Gman said with tears in his eyes. Everyone started to ask who died, I was also curios who this was that made Grover my best friend cry. "Perseus Achilles Jackson is no more, he has died, but that doesn't mean that Percy  A. Jackson has died" the three sisters said. What I died? How?! I'm right here . Everyone started to scream. "Percy A. Jackson was suppose to die but since Percy has define Fate yet again Percy Jackson will become our champion," I felt power course  through my veins I started to glow all the colors even some that I didn't know existed. I saw everyone's life at once which was being thrown at the Manticore, then being crushed by a pack of Laistrygonias, shocked by Circe, turned into a rodent and being hugged by Polyphemus and Tyson combined. I saw how long that person would live when I closed my eyes  and focused on one person, I saw Grover's he will live up to 500 years old so he will be in normal 'mortal years' about 250 years old. I opened my eyes and saw the three Fates staring at me. they disappeared somewhere and this time I didn't cover my eyes.

I was on Mt. Olympus when Hades started to scream everyone stop arguing and started to look at Hades to see what was happening he fell to his knees. Dad went to Uncle Hades' side ,"Brother what is wrong?" dad asked. Hades could only say a word that made my dad pale as much as him. "...Percy..." and he fell into unconsciousness. Dad started to freak out when Aphrodite started to shriek with joy, she started to jabble about love triangles and Jasry, Perleo, and some random things that I didn't understand. "Percy is now a girl!!!!" Aphrodite shrieked while Athena , Zeus , Dad, and Hera paled. "WHAT!?!?!?!?!" They all yelled even Ares and Dionysus. "How did that happen?" Dad asked. Athena looked down and answered, "The  gender bender gem" Dad turned and smiled, "He is the one, in your face Zeus, ummmm well, she's the one" Dad says, wait I'm a girl I do NOT want to know how I look AT ALL!!!!!!! wait, I'm who? before I could get the answer I was put to another dream.

It was Leo and Calypso. Leo looked nervous while Calypso looked pissed. "Leo we are through" OK what is it with girls breaking up with you or cheating on you this week really WTF. She didn't even care she just left Leo in front of his cabin with a broken heart. Before he went in I saw him take out a pic from his wallet, I remember that photo. It was after the war, I started to hang out a lot with Nico, Jason, Leo, Frank, the Stolls ,and Will, we took a group picture, I was next to Frank and Leo, Nico was next to Will ,Jason was next to the Stolls and everyone was around me for some odd reason. that day we did a lot of pranks on people. Leo smiled and put the pic back in his wallet , "At least I have friend to help me when I'm down," he whispered before entering his cabin and shutting the door.

I woke up covered in sweat , Bianca was looking at me with humor and mischievous ,she got a mirror ,I have no idea how but she showed me my refletion,and I started to scream. I was the girl from my dream, same face ,same body, I knew that if I spoke I would have her bell like voice not my actual voice.

Bianca started to laugh while Esperanza tried to calm me down long enough so that I could talk. then I realized I had somethings in my hand. I looked down and saw Nico's ring ,the three gems ,and Jason's pearls. I put the ring back on my finger and put the pearls in my pocket. I get the gems and see that in my forearm where my "Tattoo" is I see three colors with the black. I see a gem missing four parts filled with three parts; orange, green, and pink.

I pressed the top of the ring, "Show me Sally Jackson," the little screen became bigger and showed me Logan, Paul, and Mom eating. Logan saw me and did a spit take , which again hit Paul. Logan started to laugh at me.

Mom and Dad(Paul) started to look around to see what he was laughing at when Paul saw the Iris Message and also started to laugh. I started to smile when Bianca looked at what I was smiling about. Mom followed Dad's eyes and saw the message, she gasped, "PERCY!WHAT HAPPEN!?WAIT...nevermind" she said smiling shaking her head,"sorry mom couldn't help thinking of home and this is what happen" I said  suprising Logan." Oh mom, this is Bianca, Nico's sister and this is Esperanza ,Leo's mom" I said pointing at them."Lolo ,do your best in school for me,and Dad take care of them until I come back from the quest," they nodded and mo looked proud of me." Good luck sweety, oh and I'm going to change your name and gender in your birth certificate, see you on Christmas Percy" mom said before cutting the connection. After that you can say I started to pack and ready to get the next gems really .......that would be a lie. I STARTED TO FREAK OUT. Bianca started to laugh ,"Come on it cant be that bad" she said still laughing. I glared at her making her flinch," you don't know how it's like ,I was a GUY now I'm a girl wearing guy clothes and has no bra, I have BOXERS not girl's underware, now I know why Aphrodite was laughing at me," I kept blabbing until I finally calmed down.

I looked at the stars and saw Zoe's constellation ,Bianca and Es followed my gaze and saw the stars.

"Why are you looking at that constellation?" Es asked.

"That is Zoe's constellation" I said smiling at the time I finally became her friend.

Bianca started to tear up but still said nothing. I got the hairpin from my pocket, my book from Hazel and put my stuff away. I pressed the tip of the hairpin and saw the map. I paled fast ,"UMMMM, Percy? why are you white?" Es asked. B saw the map and started to scream," NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO I'M NOT GOING BACK THERE!!!!!!"

"Back where?" Es asked.  I looked at her in the eyes and said, "To the Lotus Hotel and Casino, we are going to Vegas"

Hope you guys like give me some tips and follow the path of awesomeness


The Gender Bender: Percy Jackson and the Fates book 1Where stories live. Discover now