Flying NOPE, Ms O'Leary to the rescue

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Right when I was about to get the tickets I saw a family.

The father was looking around for something under every lugadge. I walked up to him.

"Sir, do you need help?" I asked.

He jumped back in shock. The guy nodded.

"I need to find the tickets I bought but now i can't find them, and the plane is leaving in three hours"

My smile faded and I looked down at my hand where the $300 were.

I put my hand out infront ,the guy looked more shocked.

" Here, you can get the tickets for you and your family," I smiled.

He stared at the money then at me, over and over again.

"I can't but thank you,"

I got his hand and gave him the money.

I left after I gave it to him with a note:

Everything in life is given for a reason. Have fun in your trip'

I felt the father looking to look for me but I was already with the girls.

Bianca turned to me,"Where are the tickets?"

I smiled ,"I don't have them, a family does" Esperanza and Bianca stared at me in shock.

"What,do I have something in my face ?"

"Boys.....umm I mean stupid" Bianca said

"¿Por que le distes los tickets to the familia?"Esperanza asked.

I explained what happened to the man any why I did it.

"So how are we suppose to go to Rome NOW?" Bianca asked/sighed.

I got the book that Hazel gave me and I opened it.

"Show me , Ms O'Leary, " Espeeanza and Bianca stared at me as if to ask 'who is that'

I saw the page swirl and it show my pet hellhound in the sword arena whimpering like if she was stabbed.

I got outside the airport, with my bag and did my taxi cab whistle .

Many people had to cover their ears. I saw B and Es running to me with their bags looking freaked out.

"Why in my dad's name did you did that for!?" Whispered Corpse Bride at me.

"We needed a ride so we are going to get a ride,"I said looking at the book seeing that Ms O'Leary started to run towards a shadow.

I heard a bark next to me and someone cussing in spanish, "Fire Girl LAUNGUAGE!!!!!" I yelled while Leo's mom blushed, "Perdón"

I felt someone or something jump on top of me, Ms O'Leary started to lick my face.

"Ok girl, get off I can't breath," after two minutes she finally understand what I meant.

"This is Ms O'Leary, my pet hellhound" I said happy to see that she was still alive.

"That's big brother's doggy" someone said, I froze, I looked to where the voice was coming from and saw.

"Oh My Gods, Tyson? Logan?"I yelled in shock.

My knees started to shake. Logan jumped off Mrs O'Leary's back and tackeled me into a hug.

"PERCY!!!!" He yelled right on my ear.

"Lolo can you not scream IN MY EAR!?" I yelled back.

Logan jumped off of me and started to blush mumbling a sorry.

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