The Lotus Hotel and Casino

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Before we went to Las Vegas, Nevada Bianca said if we can stay in a hotel here in Colorado.

Worst. Idea. EVER!!!!!

Never let a daughter of the Underworld lord make a choice on which hotel you choose. She choose a hotel named The Stanley Hotel. The guy told us no one could stay at the hotel because it was a tourist attraction.

Bianca didn't listen and used the mist to get some rooms. Bianca slept like her name says like a freaking angel but Esperanza and I couldn't get a wink of sleep that day.

All the ghost in that place kept trying to come close to Bianca since I guess she is the ghost queen or is it duchess? ah my mind went off again. When I got out of the room I was pale white and furious. Right at that moment a group of tourist came to that hall. So imagine a girl in the air (Water particles in the air sometimes make me float) dressed all in white, was pale white and had sea green eyes glaring at you, that is how I looked to the tourist. I started to scream and vapor travelled back into the room leaving a freaked out group of people who some were video taping.

I didn't tell the girls because they wouldn't want me to get in trouble like a boy would as Bianca puts it.

In the morning I vapor travelled Esperanza outside while Bianca shadow travelled outside, before I left I saw a ghost stare at me . I turned and saw a lot of the ghost bowing down to me. I started to get freaked out and vapor travelled to the others.

Es again got her toy car from her backpack and throw it to the ground making it grow to full size.

After about six stupid long hours we finally made it to Las Vegas. I have really bad memories here as you already know.....stalkers . We entered the Casino.

The same guy was there ,"Hello welcome to The Lotus Hotel and Casino, I hope you will love your stay,"

Esperanza and I nodded, I forced the nod and smile, Bianca just plain out ignored the guy and walked in.

Everything I remembered about this place was the same expect that there were new games. The guy gave us the Casino cards and told us which room we would be staying in.

Esperanza was fascinated by all the engineering it took to 'build' this place. Bianca stopped ,"Percy look," she pointed at a game ,I didn't see how it was so special from the rest when I saw it.

The yellow gem.

That game was about engineering. Esperanza looked excited about the game, "Es can you play that game to see if you can win the yellow gem?" Bianca asked taking the words out of my mouth.

Es just nodded and started to play it, ",Come on we will find her later to see if she has the gem, lets find the others," B said looking at the worried look on my face. ,"Plus we can finally get you out of those clothes and get you some PROPER ones"

I looked down and blushed. She didn't have to be so mean about this. "Shut it, Ghost girl," I said

"You quit it ,Water girl," she said smirking. "That's the best you can do Corpse Bride?" I said making her mad. "Shut it Seaweed breath,"

I started to laugh this is how Nico, Jason, Leo, Frank, and I use to get along before I went to this quest.

I stopped this time and looked at Bianca, "Hey Silver Deer why are you always wearing that green cap?"

She looked in pain, "This was the last gift Nico and Mom gave me for my tenth birthday," I decided not to talk for a while. She looked past my shoulder and gasped.

"There is the other gem," I turned and saw the black gem, and the game was... ," Mythomagic," I whispered.

I looked at Bianca and saw her looking at the cards in determination. "I can do this, maybe I can start to play the game with Nico when we get back,"

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