Chapter 11: The Suicide

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Allen POV

"Stop! Nadia!" Kya looked towards her, her body was shaking and her eyes wide. I was frozen as well, scared to do anything. Why can't I do anything? There is literally someone committing suicide right in front of my own eyes.

Nadia dropped the knife after pushing it farther into her side. Her side and hands were covered in blood as she smiled to us.

"T....this it sh..should be." She said weakly before falling to the ground as her blood surrounded her.

"H-holy fucking hell!" Kya screamed before punching a hole in the church. She looked at the ground as I saw tears fall from her face. To my own surprise, I felt tears falling from my own eyes.

"It's my fault Allen..." She said quietly.

"It's not your fault. It was her own decision." I looked at Nadia's body. She still had a smile on her face, which to me, is horrifying. I went over and picked her body up and starting walking outside.

"Where are you going?" Kya yelled to me.

"I'm going to bury her, of course!" I smiled and kicked the boarded up doors. Kya stood there saying nothing as I walked into the cold night. I laid Nadia's body against a tree and looked for a shovel. I rolled up my sleeves and went to the church's shed. I kicked the door open and searched the abandoned room. In the corner laid the item I needed, a shovel. I went over, grabbed it and headed outside. I walked back to Nadia, leaning next to her.

"I'm sorry of what you went through." I whispered. I took off my exorcist jacket from her cold, fragile body and laid it in the snow. I stood back up and dug the shovel into the hardened ground. I started to dig a hole big enough for her. About an hour later I placed her body in the snow and covered her back up before wiping the sweat and dirt from my face. I put back on my exorcist jacket.

I heard someone coming before glancing up. Kya stood in the church entrance. She blocked the angel from the glass, only the wings shown. She looked like an angel standing there.

"Allen.." She ran over to me and threw her arms around me. I had no choice but to hug her back. She started to cry on my shoulder before falling to her knees. I kneeled down with her and lifted up her chin. I saw her tears falling from her face as I wiped them for her.

"It's alright, what's done is done. She's in a better place." I said moving the hair out of her eyes. By better place I mean Heaven, though I don't believe in that stuff.

"But the bible it says that those who commit suicide go to hell!" She continued to sob. I then didn't know what to say.

"It's alright..c'mon." I stood up and held out my hand. She hesitantly grabbed it as I squeezed it and walked away with her following behind.

"Where are we going?" She wiped her eyes with her other hand.

"Back home." I smiled.

"NO!" She yelled before pulling away from my hand and running off into the cold and snowy night. 

"Kya!" I yelled after her before running after her. Luckily the town was asleep but the street lights were on. I continued to run as I finally reached her in an ally way. Her sword was out and pointed at me, her innocence was already activated saying that the sword and her sparked electicity. 

"Stay back....I will kill you, you fucking parasite!" She growled, her voice shook as well as her weapon.

"Kya, what has gotten into you?!' I stayed put.

"I won't go back! I won't face failure again! Not again!" She yelled before charging at me. I held my arm up blocking her sword from slicing my body in two. 

"Skyborn!" a voice was heard as a dart was thrown at Kya as she fell into my arms asleep. "Sleep my child." I turned around as Shaun Souhait was grinning. Her cloak was flowing in the wind as snow landed on her pale body. She dropped the dart shooter and walked over to us. 

"When did you get here?' I asked softly looking up at her scary face. Her grin was always questionable. 

"I'm not stupid, Komui sent me here cause I guess he doesn't trust you two." She shrugged.

"Or Tyki dropped you off from your few nights of funnnn.' I teased her. Her cheeks got red and she hit my shoulder. 

"Ow! What was that for?!" I yelled at her. 

"Oh sorry Mr. Midget! Didn't see ya there!" She laughed. The her smile faded away as she looked at Kya.

"She's about to awake, you know this correct?' Her voice was in a more serious tone as she pushed Kya's hair away fro  her face.

"Komui told all of us before the mission, to be aware." I stood up with Kya still in my arms.

"Going to the Order I presume?' Shaun smiled and held up a key that looked familiar to Road's key.

"I sometimes I like how you're dating a Noah." I laughed a bit as we went through the door and back to the Order at last.

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