Chapter 12: The Insane

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I woke up in a blank room. I noticed that I was wearing a hospital gown but other than that nothing. I sat up and looked around the room. Not a single door in sight...

"Where am I?" I thought out loud as I noticed a mirror with my reflection looking back at me. I hopped out of bed and walked towards it with myself on the other side doing the same thing. I touched the mirror with my hand before hearing a click as I turned my head. Komui walked in with Reever and Johnny with him.
"Well...why am I in here?" I asked quietly as I turned back into my reflection. I leaned my head on the mirror waiting for his response.
"We are just keeping you in here until your next mission, which will be alone this time." Komui stated clearly.
"You've almost woken up by your Noah form and we can't risk any of our exorcist getting hurt." Reever quickly backed up the statement.
"'re gonna send me away on some mission by myself when I barely know what I'm doing..? Very well..." My voice was still quiet as if I was afraid to raise my voice.
"Your mission isn't until about 2 weeks..." Little Johnny boy stated. That's when I banged on the mirror leaving it with a crack as I turned to Johnny.
"T-two weeks?!" I clinched my fist and walked over to him as I grabbed his collar. "Two fucking weeks in this hell hole?!" I took my fist and knocked him in the face sending him against a wall. Reever then pulled me back as I tried to attack again.
"You can't leave me in here! I need to eat! I need to talk to people other than you idiotic science department!" I yelled trying to break from Reever's grip. Johnny had the most terrified look on his face as he pointed to me.
"Y-your sk-kin is g-g-gray!" Before I realized I felt a sharp pain in my body making me scream. I fell to my knees and blocked my face with my hands. My body started to shake as I looked at my arm as it was a light gray color, not like a Noahs but pretty close.
The pain was intensifying as I screamed even louder and could feel myself loosing my own vision. I squeezed onto Reever's hand before blacking out on his lap.

"That was better then I thought..." I couldn't make out the voice as I opened my eyes. I looked up and saw Lavi and Bookman both looking at me. They didn't seem shocked or scared.
"I'm guessing you both saw the whole thing.." I sighed before touching my head. My skin seemed to be back to normal as its usual pale Caucasian color.
"You have no idea..." Lavi forced a smile.
"We are just hear to gather information that's all." Bookman coughed.
"I refuse to answer anything right now.." I pulled the covers over my head.
"Oh c'mon Kya, it will only be for a few minutes, promise." Lavi's gentle tone made me smile a little bit.
"I only want Lavi to ask then." I said sternly.
"Very well..." Bookman turned to Lavi. "you better ask good questions.."
"Don't worry so much old man! I got this covered!" Lavi assured.
I waited for the questions to be asked.
" how did you feel when you were turning into a Noah?" He asked first off.
"It was painful...nothing I've ever experienced.." I hugged myself tightly unable to turn to them.
"What happened before you turning?"
"I got angry...theres nothing to that."
I heard footsteps fade in amateur of moments as I forced the covers from my body and noticed Lavi was the only one that stood there.
"L-Lavi..." I said looking at him. His emerald eyes shown brightly as he smiled looked back at me. He leaned as he lifted my chin before placing a kiss on my lips. He had a sweet taste leaving me to want more from him. He then got on the bed and suddenly had me pinned on the bed making me look up at those lustful eyes of his.
"Is this part of the questioning?" I smiled feeling my cheeks get red.
"It is." He leaned over and whispered in my ear.
"Question number one: How do you feel about me?"
I felt soft kisses on my neck as I slightly moaned before burying myself in Lavi's shoulder.
"If it helps....everytime I look at you, I feel like I'm gonna melt..." I said calmly.
I heard him chuckle to himself before he spoke again.
"Question two: how would you feel if I took your virginity tonight?"

I didn't say anything after that as his lips crashed on mine. He started out rough at first but then his energetic self slowed down into a more meaningful kiss. His tongue came in soon after as it explored my mouth as if it was in search for something.

His hands went behind my neck as he untied my gown as he slipped it off quickly. He pulled up and examined my body up and down before smiling. He leaned in and whispered,"you get more beautiful every time I look at you." Electricity went up my spine as he spoke those words.

He slipped off his shirt and my cheeks got hot looking at his very toned body and all I could do was stare. He smirked as he placed his lips on mine again as we explored eachother more meaningfully. He stroked my hair as I used my free hand and untied his eye patch. He then stopped and sat on top with his knees by my hips. I looked at his eye but he had it closed.

"Lavi..." I said quietly before he opened his eye. It was a icy blue color that totally out shined his green one.

"We're the same.." He looked at me but no smile on his face. I leaned up and kissed his eyebrow.

"I think it's lovely." I smiled a little as I unbuttoned his pants and slipped them off.

"Clever trick." He pinned me down on the bed placing kisses on my neck. Then he bit my neck making me gasp giving me a hickey.

"I want all of you tonight Kya." He whispered moving his kisses down lower and lower on my body sending chills up my spine.

"Take me away then....Bookman." I smiled.

I let him have me that night, all of me. He left marks on my body that can't be taken away as if he was claiming me. I however am not sure what this makes us because before I know it, he was gone that next morning.

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