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I was only about seven when it all happened. I remember it being a cold, snowy night in a little cabin across a river. My mom was reading me a story about some knight in shining armor rescuing a princess locked up in a tower. It was fascinating to see and imagine what it would be like to be a princess.

I remember when he showed up. the fire went out as my mother pulled out this long sword as she pushed my petite body back. I remember hearing the footsteps, his footsteps. The door slammed open as a dark figure appeared before my mother and I. my mother yelled at me to sprint out the door. She kissed me goodbye as she pushed me away.

As I ran, I remember hearing her scream, a spin chilling scream. I stopped then and there as I turned around. The monster stood before me, his face and clothes covered in blood. He gave me a smirk as he dropped my mothers body on the ground. I stood there in the cold shivering as he disappeared in thin air.

I cried so hard that day, like an over emotional teenager, though I was 7. I sat in the snow and stayed there until a man walked up to me.

He told me not to be afraid, that he could help me. He held his hand out and carried me. That man was like a real dad to me, his name was Tiedoll. he was such a nice man, he taught me about exorcist and akuma and took me in as a exorcist in training.

Now here I was standing in front of the gates of the Black Order, lost and confused.

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