Chapter 14: The Missing One

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Lavi..where the hell was he? He's been missing for two weeks. Two weeks!! That's like almost a month. What if he...died? I mean he promised he would be back soon. I really don't know how long soon was but it should be now.
Maybe I'm too impatient. I mean look at me, I've been trapped in this DM room for over a month. I have nightmares every night causing me to scream. I've been strapped to the bed for about 3 weeks now. They're so scared to deliver me food, so I'm basically starving myself. I'm sane but they won't have any of that. No matter how hard I try to persuade them, they won't listen. And because of that, I almost beat the shit out of Johnny, which was very well deserved. I just hate that guy! But seriously though, where is Lavi?
I waited for like ever, waiting for him to open that door. Waiting for him to walk in and hug me trying to tell me it's alright. That everything will be alright. Alright isn't a word I would normally use but I need to feel "alright", they say I'm getting worse and worse everyday. My skin has become more gray. From what I could see I have the Noah cross smack in the middle of my forehead. This was a punishment from God. I am a Noah, yet I suffer and am an exorcist, I can't be both. But I am.
"Kya, we're going to tell you something, but try not to freak." Komui spoke through the glass. "Lavi has gone missing." Course, telling me not to freak out makes me freak out.
I broke the brackets as I ran up and banged on the glass causing it to crack. My fist dropped blood onto the pure white glass and my arm was trickling blood. I kept banging on the glass until it shattered. Pieces of glass cut places in my body making me bleed. I, however, didn't care.
"Tell me it isn't true!" I screamed as loud as I could. Komui seemed frightened of my approach, some unknown exorcist ran in and dropped me back as I screamed louder. I kicked and squirmed my way out of the hands. They forced me on the bed making me gasp.
"Let me out you ass hat! I need to save him! I. Need. Him!!" I slammed my bloody fist on the bed and rocked my head back arching my back and yet again, screamed. I cursed everyone! I cursed the one they all called God. I cursed Him. I cursed Him for putting me in so much pain.
"Komui...let her out. I can take care of her." I heard Kanda say.
"Very well, just be careful." Komui eyed me down making the other exorcist leave. I sat up with my hair in a huge mess. I was breathing heavily and shaking as I looked at Kanda.
"Don't pity me." I whimpered. "Never pity me, no matter what."
"I wouldn't." He replied simply.
I started to tear up before looking in the shattered mirror looking at my appearance.
My hair was completely damaged, my body looked almost anorexic due to not eating in two weeks, cuts from the glass. Dark circles around my eyes were staring to form, due to the fear of sleep.
"I look like shit." I said calmly looking towards Kanda. Course, he didn't say anything.
"Kanda! Say something!" I could feel myself getting emotional over such a dumb thought.
"There isn't anything to say. Except that I knew this would happen." He replied in a cool tone. This is the part where I really wanted to stab him.
I walked in silence heading to my room after what seemed like 7 years. Kanda waited outside my room.
I showered which was the best feeling in the world. I left my hair down to make it dry a bit faster. I couldn't help but stare at my bare body, I couldn't say pale anymore knowing the fact I was turning into a monster each hour that passes me by. My body was bruised especially where Lavi was rough on me. I can't say I don't regret losing my most prized possession, however I don't really know him. It was like walking into a place and going "hey want sex?". After all, why does he even stay around? I am a Noah, that's the fate I have ahead of me. Someone who steals the lives of innocent people to twist them.
I put on my clothes which included my uniform (well duh) and I just laid in my bed. Kanda can wait.
I just want Lavi which is really fucking selfish but I feel so calm around him. He's the only man that I ever dreamed of staying with, yet he could be dead for all I know. And what am I doing? Laying on my bed!
I jumped out and ran out of the room heading towards the entrance of the doors before being pulled back only to be slammed onto the ground. To everyone's surprise it was Kanda.
"No one said you could leave." He growled.
"No one said you had to be the boss of me!" I quickly sat up and pulled on his hair.
"Ow! Let go!" He couldn't escape my grip.
"I'm saving Lavi, you can come if you want but knowing you, you don't give two fucks."
"I'll go! Just let go!" And with that, I let go. I stood up and brushed myself off walking out of the building. I crossed my arms walking towards the elevator and well down we go.


Russia was cold, as always but it was colder than ever. It felt like I never left this massive country. This country was where I grew up at, yet it feels like I've never even left. The fresh fallen snow was the only pure thing this country had to offer. This country resembles death to me, the place where I lost my mother. I was such a young girl, so young.
Walking through the forest of this country suddenly made me realize where the hell I was. I burst into a sprint through the trees pushing other branches out of my way. Kanda was following close behind, however I could see the clearing. I ran faster only to see the moon shining down on the broken cabin. I pushed open the door only to drop to my knees. My tears hit the wooden floor boards in between my hands. I cried for a while remembering my mother and all those happy moments we had before that night occurred. That night will always burn in my head.
Then, I saw blood on the wooden floor, it seemed rather fresh. I could hear something flapping in the wind as I stood up and looked at the piece of paper.

Dearest daughter,
I have someone that belongs to you, find where we are, and you might have him back alive. Have fun in Moscow.
Your loving father

I screamed looking at the piece of paper. This was a sin! isn't too far from where I am. Then that's where I'm headed, to save Lavi. Thats my only objective and nothing will stand in my way.

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