Chapter 3: The Mission

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"H-hello Lavi." I stuttered walking in. I quickly moved to the couch and sat down.
"Looks like we meet again." He gave one of his angelic smiles. I swear this kid is hiding some wings.
"Indeed we have." I nodded looking up as the door flung open. Komui Lee set foot as he creepishly walked and sat at his desk.
"Aren't you excited that it's your first mission?!" He grinned and looked at me.
"U-uh yeah sure! Why not.." I tilted my head and smiled.
"So where is this mission?" Lavi looked at Komui.
"In the countryside of eastern France. Locals have been experiencing strange weather changes. Blizzards in summer and such. The locals can't figure out when to plant crops or anything. get to the bottom of it." He shooed us off. I got up and looked at Lavi before he smiled to me.
"Let's go get some innocence!" He grinned before grabbing my arm and leading me out the office. I couldn't help but blush.
"L-Lavi slow down!" He let go as I tried to catch my breath.
"Sorry!" He was red with embarrassment.
"Its fine...but I see why they call you usagi!" I smiled and walked to the basement where the boats were. I got in and sat down as we headed on the boat.
•time lapse•
"The train should've been here by now..." Lavi paced back in forth in the freezing rain. He would glance up every once in a while looking in both directions. His hair was damp from the falling rain, even in soaked in water he was still warm. He gave me his jacket because he didn't want me getting sick, which I thought was generous, but what about him?
"Lavi it's alright. It doesn't matter, it wi get here when it gets here." I sighed and states my opinion as calm as possible. Its hard to stay even a few moments with him.
"Yes but we have been waiting here for a half hour." He shook his head in a way that he seemed disappointed.
"Hey! You two! Need a ride?" A voice called from the east. I turned my head as my hair stuck to my neck. The man was strangely tan. He had long black hair and a top hat. He was using an umbrella that was black and he stood quite tall. I'm guessing he was around 23 or so.
"Indeed we do sir." I nodded my head. I walked over to the stranger and turned back to Lavi.
"Hey! Are you coming?"
"I suppose so, I rather take the train however." He sighed and walked towards us.
"It will be safe I promise you." The man assured. He smiled before leading us to a black carriage with four black stallions. A dark figure sat where the man controls the horses. I began to have a bad feeling.
"Right this way, exorcist." The man opened the carriage door. Lavi and I walked in as we sat next to each other.
"I have a bad feeling about this..." Lavi whispered in my ear as I nodded.
"I do as well...he seems like a dangerous person."
The man shut the door as Lavi and I looked confused. Suddenly metal bars trapped our arms and legs as the windows locked up we couldn't move a single muscle. I tried to slip out but it was no use.
Suddenly I could smell smoke from the back of the carriage as I heard the voice yell,"HIYAA!!"
The carriage started to move speeding up every second. The smoke scent was coming on strong as the carriage started to get hot.
"Lavi! We need to do something!" I yelled looking at him.
"Hold on, let me think for a moment."
"Lavi! We don't have a moment!" I started to move quicker. I prayed to God hoping that we would get out, and alive.
"Got it! We have to wait until the fire reaches us. The fire will burn the metal and we just have to kick the door open."
"Alright..." I felt uneasy as the fire soon reached us. I could feel my skin burning as the metal bars started to melt away. The fire was reaching towards our bodies quicker than I thought. The bars felt like goo as I screamed Lavi's name at the top of my lungs. The rest was a blank as the smoke came into my head and I blacked out.
I woke up with the rain patting on my face but I could sense a body near me. I opened my eyes as I saw beautiful eyes looking back at me. I could feel my cheeks getting hot.
"I'm glad your awake. Didn't take you long, but still. We need to keep moving." He stood up and held his hand out. I grabbed it as he pulled me up.
"Where are we?" I looked around the densely populated wood. the rain was pouring down as thunder crashed in the distance. The sky was now a darker and dense shade of gray. The day was ready to take a good rest.
"A little over the German border. It's raining. We made need to stop soon." He looked around, before motioning me to follow him. He lead me to a small old cottage, kinda like the one I grew up in.
"I'm guessing you found this as I was out?" I questioned as he opened the door. He shook his head.
"I've been around here before so I know the area a bit." He opened the door. I motioned my hand up and down to block the dust.
"Well, at least it's dry. Am I right?" I smiled before lighting a candle. don't worry here, I carry matches with me every where cause I'm bad at starting fires. I picked the candle up and looked around the cottage. It wasn't much it had a small bed in the corner with a tiny kitchen and a picnic table. A huge fire place was near the center wall. A few chest in the corner and a couch on the opposite wall facing the fireplace. A bookshelf was placed on both sides of the fireplace.
Lavi took his jacket off before hanging it in front of the fireplace. I did the same as I took off my boots as well and placed them near.
"I'm not trying to be perverted but were gonna have to take our clothes off to dry." Lavi's face was a bit serious before he took his headband off. His red hair was a bit lengthy as he pushed his bangs out of the way.
"I-is that necessary?!" I backed up.
"Yu want your clothes dry or not?" His point was a bit more valid then.
I sighed before taking my tank top off as well as my shorts and socks. I let my wet hair down as it fell passed my hips.
He was already wrapped in a long blanket. He was so cute right now. His eyes were soft and inviting. I couldn't help but blush as I wrapped a warm blanket around my body.
'This is so awkward..' I thought to my self and I get the feeling he was thinking the same thing.
"Well you know we haven't really met and stuff, so I guess we can start now. Hi, I'm Lavi Bookman and I'm heir to the Bookman tribe. Some people call me 'Junior' but I prefer Lavi." He smiled as he sat in front of the fire as I took a seat in front of him.
"Well I'm not that interesting, but I'm Kya Thomas, my mom was murdered when I was young and I grew up with general Tiedoll." I said blushing and looking away.
"Tiedoll eh? Hm, at least you didn't abandon your parents. Ya know...I've known gramps since I was young, so I've never really knew them."
"It's alright, my dad was a Noah...." Oops I shouldn't have said that.
"Noah?! So that means your like half Noah?!" His big green eyes widened.
I nodded my head.
"It's not a big deal... I mean my dad is long since dead, I highly doubt the Clan of Noah would know who he was."
"If he's dead, it takes a lot for a Noah to die."
"Ever battled them?"
"Five of them in fact. One took over my mind and almost made me kill one of my best friends."
"Who was that?"
"Allen Walker, when we were in the Arc."
"Whoa wait! You were the group of exorcist in the Arc?! You guys are like legends!" My eyes widened with excitement.
"It's not a big deal, I mean we barely escaped alive."
"It guys are the most strongest exorcist in the Order. I wish I was as strong as you guys." I smiled.
"You will one day trust me." Lavi smiled before standing up. "I think it's time to hit the hay, we have a big day tomorrow." I nodded before standing up and looking at the bed that suddenly felt inviting. I plopped on the bed and instantly drifted into a deep sleep.

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