Chapter 4: The Dream

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So it's weird to say but my dreams sort of kinda predict the future. So basically I already met Lavi and all them but in a dream. I guess you could say, I'm the Noah of the Future but then again I'm only half and only two people in this world know about that.
My dream started out normal. Lavi and I were walking in the order...hand in hand...we were talking. He was flirting with me and we were laughing and smiling. Then the dream transferred as I was in pain and laying on the ground. There was dried blood on the ground as I looked up. I saw an injured kanda grabbing his side in pain. He was brutally beaten up and going his side. His hair was down and blocking his face. On the other side was Lavi. he was knocked out with his hand band ripped off and his hammer far from his reach. His clothes were ripped apart giving me a peak of his body.
"L...Lavi...." I barely spoke as I reached towards him. Some shady figure then stepped on my body. I could feel myself spitting out some blood. I must've been more injured than I thought. I felt myself being picked up by the neck as I stared into the dark shady golden eyes of a Noah. His hair was in a low ponytail, but his hair was wavy and long.
"You my dear, you will face a painful death." His voice was calm as I saw a smirk appear on his lips.
"Shut...up!" I managed to say as he dropped my fragile body on the ground. He kneeled down and put his finger on his lips as he stood back up and made his way to Kanda.
Kanda didn't notice him walking towards him. His breathing was hard as he then looked up with his cold eyes.
"Well, Mr. Kitchen Knife, I believe your time has come to an end." The Noah formed some sort of butterfly as he placed it into Kanda's body. Kanda have a blood chilling scream. I could see his eyes slowly fading, very slowly.
"KANDA!" I screamed as tears fell from my eyes because I knew I was helpless.
Then I woke up. My body was sweating and shaking. I looked around the cabin as thunder slammed down. I held my pillow closely. I saw Lavi sleeping peacefully, he looked so innocent...
I got up and stood on the cold wooden floor as I wrapped a blanket on my naked body. I walked over and poked Lavi. He scrunched his face and turned over.
"Lavi..." I whispered. I poked him again but nothing.
"Lavi." I said more loud and stern.
"Lavi!" I yelled as he jumped up and fell on the ground. I then laughed a bit as I looked down a him.
"Ouch.." He rubbed his bum as he stood up.
"Sorry to bug you but I had a bad dream..." I sighed as he looked at me.
"I see..." He scratched his head and sat back down. "you can sleep with me if you want. But it would be a but awkward."
"No it's fine, I mean..if you want.." I could feel my cheeks getting hot as I couldn't even look at him.
"Good!" I felt his arms wrap around my body as he pulled me next to him on the couch. My cheeks felt as if they were on fire. He tightened his grip around me and luckily a blanket blocked my body from his. I mean after all we are naked...
I felt his warm breath on my neck as I stared at the fire. I felt safe and secure, nothing I've ever felt before. He made me feel as if I was actually home. I've never felt at home since my mom was murdered but Lavi had something about him. My golden hair was mostly on the floor because of it's length. I started at the fire for a few minutes as I drifted off to sleep again.
That night was the best sleep I've ever had.
I woke up in the morning with the rain still pouring down. Lavi was missing from his position on the couch and so were his clothes. I sat up and stretched my arms yawning. I looked around and he wasn't even here. I gave a frustrated expression and sighed. I got out of the blanket as I laid it by the couch. I stepped on the cold wooden floor again and went to grab my clothes. First I put on my black tank top, then my jacket and finally my short shorts. I slipped on my tall boots and placed the sword case thingy and put the sword in. I left my hair down saying I lost the hair tie. Oops.
I went to the small kitchen and found a note from Lavi.
"Komui said that the encounter might have been a Noah attack. I'm going out to investigate, stay here." Lavi
Well okay then. I'm not staying out. There's a mission that has to be completed. I wrote him a little note myself before stepping out in the cold and wet outside. I looked around for anything unusual, there wasn't any. so I walked out of the forest and found myself stranded in the middle of no where. There was fields upon fields upon fields.
"Where the hell am I?!" I thought out loud.
"Oh are you lost miss?" A man suddenly tugged on my coat. I suddenly felt this pain coming from my body and my right eye. It was like this man was an akuma of some sort.
"Y-yes I am." I hesitated because I was still unsure.
"Follow me! I can help direct you to the nearest town." The man smiled cheerfully. He started to walk, leading me to a place in the forest completely surrounded by woods.
"I don't believe this is town." I said gripping the handle of my sword.
"Because it isn't..." The mans voice appeared different. Suddenly he like blew up as this special armor appeared on him. He was a level 3 demon. Something I've never faced before.

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