Chapter 18: The Noah of Fate

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I am the 8th Noah, Skinn Bolic died, and I fulfilled who he was. I hate who I am but Mana Walker saw a purpose in me. A purpose of which I didn't see myself and strangely I don't remember who I actually am. Has my whole life been a lie? Have those "precious memories" been nothing but a long waking dream?

"Why do I lust for blood?" I said to myself drinking the blood from a mere finder, the taste burned my tongue however the sweet scent was intoxicating and I couldn't resist myself. I couldn't remember anything that happened in the last hour, all I know is I found this finder in my arms covered in blood on his neck with his eyes white as snow from fear. My mouth was burning from the taste of blood, dripping from my mouth was it's crimson color. I ended up dropping him standing up expanding my horizon. Few finders suffered the same fate as the other one. I wiped my mouth and upon turning around, a sword was at my throat. I grinned before looking up seeing Kanda.

"General..." I simply said in a disgusted tone. He said no words, he looked good for me being gone for a few months however I knew what happened.

"I'm going to ask this quickly and I want an answer, where is that baka usagi?!" His voice in desperate need.

"Kanda, don't be too demanding." I heard a calmer voice near him, sweet and innocent. Allen Walker stood by Kanda forcing me to back away. The light in his eyes made me shiver, as if those weren't his very own eyes.

"I don't know anything, I promise you that. Believe me, I would be looking for him as well." I shook my head looking up at the afternoon sky. It was autumn here, its chilling wind and creepy feel made me feel very uncomfortable. So much has happened in the course of 11 months as I stand in front of General Kanda Yu and the 14th, Allen/Nea Walker.

"You seem different Kya, you're ever so tense." Allen gently smiled looking over to me as felt pain shoot me through my chest. Everything about Allen was gentle and peaceful. It made me smile almost because this kid doesn't deserve who he really is.

"You both make me...uncomfortable...." I folded my arms looking away,"speaking of, where is Howard Link? I suppose he should be somewhere by now, watching your every move Walker."

As if it was meant to be, Howard Link jumped down from the nearest tree and walked towards us.

"Kya Thomas, the 8th and rightful Noah of the Noah family, finally awake after 34 years." His words seem to confuse me.

"What are you talking about? I replaced Skinn Bolic as the 8th Noah." My lip started to quiver.

"It appears you don't know, I thought the other members of the family would enlighten you on who exactly you are." His stare down made me feel uneasy and sick.

"They don't inform me on anything." I stated clearly.

Link made a weird noise with his mouth almost like a small chuckle or something,"I suppose you don't have any idea on the whereabouts on Lavi Bookman Jr as well?" He quickly changed the subject. I shook my head slowly and weakly, my head felt 100 pounds heavier.

"Very well. That will be all." He bowed before turning and leaving with Allen and Kanda as I watched them helplessly before going home to that damn mansion.

Once I arrived, and to my surprise, I found Tyki starring out the window in longing. His handsome features shown in the setting sun even though he looked rather laid back. His hair was down in a mess almost, luckily he got it cut. He was smoking with his hands in his pockets. He was my only grace here in this hell hole. I made my way over there standing next to him.

He looked over at me giving me a slight smile,"its rare to see you out of your room, I began to think of you as an unsocial teenager." He joked.

"I can say the same for you, you're never here!" I laughed a little before asking a more serious question,"I ran into Link was like he knew exactly who I was..he said he was surprised I finally awakened but confused on how I didn't know who I was. I thought you would know who I am." I looked down at the floor unable to make any eye contact with Tyki.

"I guess someone has to tell you, as your trusted uncle, I will. 34 years ago you fell into a deep sleep. You stayed in your room sleeping as if nothing else mattered and you would never wake up, though we knew you weren't dead. Skinn Bolic was your replacement, you are the actual 8th Noah."

My breath became quicker as I looked at him with my eyes wider. "There's no way I existed 34 years ago, I'm only 17." My lower lip quivered from the shock as I covered my hand over my mouth. "And what of my memories? What are they to them and me!?"

"They're fake, they really don't know who you are. You didn't wake up 17 years ago, you woke up the day you arrived at the Order."

"T-this is making me sick...." I hugged my stomach before whispering gently,"Mana Walker....Mana Walker!" I began to tear up remembering something before my sleep,"Mana Walker and I were lovers...." I whispered quietly as tears poured down my cheeks. I felt arms wrap around me as Tyki pulled me into a hug.

This day kept getting worse.

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