Chapter 13: The Bookman

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Lavi POV

It was totally just out of lust and mixed feelings. I just met the girl and I already took her virginity. Nice one Lavi. You are really incredible. Well what do you expect? She's gorgeous. Shes better than anyone I've ever seen but to take her virginity. That's something I shouldn't have done...
It's only been a few days since and I still can't stop thinking about her. She's almost perfect for me. Almost.
"Lavi, what are you doing?" Allen's voice spoke next to me.
"I'm just thinking, that's all."
"You've been thinking for a while now. What's really gotten into you? I bet it's that Kya chick, isn't it."
"And what if it is? I can't shake her off Allen, there's just something about her that I have to have."
"You're a greedy Bookman."
"And what if I am? I like pretty women and recording history that's it."
"Here take this." Allen handed me something before walking off. I opened it and groaned. Another mission yet this time I'm all alone. I am already hating on this.
The information was all there and all I had to do was set off. I would check on Kya, but she hasn't been mentally well lately. She keeps having outburst and has tried to kill at least seven of our scientist, mostly Johnny. She has been strapped to the bed as of now, and occasionally you can hear her scream throughout the hallways. You know, I can really pick them.
I looked around the cold Russian woods. It was freezing out here and being alone leaves you to your thoughts which is bad. I was suppose to be looking for innocence but no luck. I highly doubt it's innocence I'm looking for. Its always innocence but what else could we find?
The snow came down harder to the point where I couldn't see. I could barely see a cottage in the clearing and without making hesitation I stumbled in. The cottage looking like it's been abandoned for years. Broken furniture was everywhere along with children's books. Broken glass lead me to broken pictures. I picked a photo up as my eyes widened causing me to drop the frame.
"This is Kya's house..." I thought out loud. This is where she was raised? Then what the hell happened? And who was that man in the photo, why did he look familiar? And that women...she was wearing an exorcist uniform...who was she?
"What the hell are you doing in here, boy?" I turned and saw a mysterious man glaring at me.
"It was snowing and I couldn't see, this is the nearest place I could find." I spoke well, truthfully.
"Trespassers aren't allowed." His voice was colder than outside sending chills up my spine.
"Last time I checked, this place was in pretty bad shape."
"It's still owned, however." The man grinned. Suddenly I felt myself walking towards him.
"What are you doing?!" I gasped before he raised his hand and hit the back of my neck. My headband fell off my head and I, losing consciousness.
"Silly Bookman..." I heard him say before he knocked me out again.

{authors note}

Sorry for the short chapter, but it needed to be updated!

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