Chapter 20: Junior

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It's coming to the sense that whether Mana Walker even existed. I'm not sure whether or not he did, but the other Noah's do. Nea Walker knows, but do I? No. Then who was that man I gave the ribbon to? Could it be him? Of course it had to be. It's just that look he gave me, it almost seemed as if he was asking, maybe even begging to be set free.

"Does Nea even know who his brother was...?" I thought out loud walking down the hallway,"or is this all just total all in his head?" Things like this ran through my head as I continued to figure it out. Is even my own bare existence just in his head? Do any of us actually exist? And what of Lavi...that boy knows more about anything than all of us combined. Does he even know about me? He's intelligent, he probably knew before I did. I bet everyone knew before I did.

Now, it's been almost an entire year since he...disappeared. I can't bring myself to say that he's dead. He's not dead, I'll look, though he could be anywhere in this world. It's crazy how now I'm starting to do something. I feel like Hamlet, just now realizing that I must look for him. But what must be done will be done. I had to forget about Mana and focus on the exorcist.

Heading down the hallway seemed grim, no one was here now, well now that the Fourteenth was discovered, all of them are trying to figure this all out. The Fourteenth, Mana, even Allen or possibly even past Allen, which doesn't make any sense to me. At all. Not even in the slightest. I guess since everyone was gone it was my turn to actually find a Bookman.

If I remember correctly, his screams are heard towards the west end of the mansion. Geez, this is pointless, why must I remember this? I'm having doubts on actually going to search for him, but I know I can't. But his life is more important than my own rising fear, so I have no choice but to seek a Bookman.

I paused staring down into the hallway as it was an endless void of small tables with flowers and multiple paintings. They say these paintings are made by artist who turned into akuma, it's crazy how that worked. I couldn't imagine that actually being a thing, but a thing is a thing, and that thing is the paintings of people who want to be in hell. It's almost like saying: "I didn't choose the akuma life, it chose me." Humans are clearly idiots.

I then felt a shoulder on my hand causing me to jump. I turned and saw no one there. Was it just my imagination? I took another step forward but something was pulling me back. I froze in the middle of the hallway before gritting my teeth. I turned around glaring at who was doing this but to my surprise, again, no one was there. This caused slight frustration as I walked back away from my previous destination. Annoyed, I then focused my attention towards a smaller hallway that had little light towards it. I'm sure we all have heard of this one. No windows and few doors, I headed towards the way. I heard someone groaning in pain as I almost got too excited and practically sprinted towards it. I opened the door or I should say, broke the door, only to find nothing.

"What the hell is going on!" I growled slamming my fist into the wall. I'm just now realizing how much of a wild goose chase this was coming to be. I threw my hands up in surrender and shut the door. This was going to be hopeless.


I do apologize for how long you waited and how short it was. I'm just getting into the groove of school and haven't had a decent idea! Sorry, I will do better on updating more as well as longer chapters.

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