Chapter 15: The Destroyer

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Moscow was the most scariest place on Earth. Imagine some small exorcist running around a huge city with a unsocial companion. That unsocial companion being Kanda. Like what a thrill ride, am I right? Daddy didn't even give me directions to where the hell I'm going. Plus Kanda is just no help whatsoever.
Whatever, I'm cold. If you're ever traveling to Russia, don't do it in the brink of winter. Ever. I may be Russian but I'm not used to this.
"Any idea where he is?" I looked behind me at Kanda, who appeared to be ignoring me. Thanks mate.
"Kanda..." I said again. "Kanda! Yu Kanda!!" I just broke the first name. Someone throw me in jail.
"What?!" He snapped.
"Eh fuck you, I'll find him myself. Just stare at a wall or something." I growled rolling my eyes and moving with the crowd away from the worlds most assiest ass.
He sometimes makes me so mad I could kill a small child. But knowing that I serve God, that's not an option. Though I wish.
As blending in with the crowd, I pulled my coat good over my face, hiding my cold and gray skin. Knowing that I could snap at any moment, I need to keep my composure to save Lavi. Only objective. Objective...
"You know it would be a lot easier if you were a Noah my dear."
I stopped moving and looked around wondering who just said that. The voice was something I've heard before but I can't place it.
"Leave me alone..." I mumbled which was so quiet no one dared to ask my sanity. I question that too.
"But why should I? I posses your lover."
I paused and clinched my fist.
"GIVE HIM BACK!" I shouted as everyone on the street literally stopped and looked at me.
"Mind your own fucking business!" I spoke in Russian and ran off to a vacant ally way. Always the #1 choice.
I slid down the wall bringing my knees to my chest.
"You really claim yourself to be my daughter? You run from your problems. You know what you are, you need to show them all who you are."
"I will show you nothing!! Leave me alone!!" I slammed my fist into the cold hard pavement. My knuckles started to bleed and my tears blended in the ground.
"You are a Noah! Show me your hatred towards your confusion! Show me it!"
"SHUT UP SHUT UP!!" I screamed towards the sky holding my head and slamming into walls until I ran into something. I looked down noticing a lemon on the ground.
"These things aren't even in season!! Why the hell is it so fucking yellow?! What the fuck is this!?!?" I pulled my sword out angrily and sliced that fucker in half. My skin turned a darker shade and I could see myself in a puddle. My eyes were a bright Crimson. I stepped in the puddle as I made my way out and ran into a kid.
"Miss are you alright? You're not looking so good." Her innocent voice spoke. I could feel the adrenaline rush through me.
"Maybe I could help me your true side." Turn of events as I screamed and cut her in half. Her blood landed on my white coat. I turned and saw people stare at me with horror that soon turned into the eyes of a Noah. I screamed louder and took my sword and started to cut through every single one of them. Blood covered the streets and walls. I could feel it trickling down my body.
I ran into the Moscow hospital and looked at them. I could feel them laughing at me as I raised my sword and sliced the doctors and nurses. Those who defied me, die.
"Weakling weakling. You're a weakling Kya Kamelot." The patients sang.
"IM NOT HIM!" I yelled killing them. Room after room the patients chanted the song. One by one, I killed them all. Every last one. I threw their bodies down a window, scaring those in the streets. Everywhere I heard the chant. I ran out of the hospital back to the Main Street. They all stared at me smirking, and some even grinned. They all started to chant as I quickly took the lives of every single one. Knocking their heads off and slicing their stomachs until their internal organs fell into the open world. Babies screamed in their dead mothers arms. Horror and realization struck me as I looked around shaking knowing I just destroyed half of Moscow. Buildings were crumbling, fires were set. Those who were still alive were severely injured.
I collapsed on my knees and shouted at the so called "God".
"Why do you hate me! What did I do to deserve such torture!!?" I curled up into a ball and started to sob. I heard footsteps approaching me as I looked up and saw another little kid. But this one wasn't normal. The kid had no eyes, just filled with blackness. He was pale but shown the Noah mark on his forehead. He held a teddy bear close and started giggling.
"What do you want?" I spoke in Russian, knowing now I couldn't stop. The kid giggled and started to chant.
"Weakling weakling, Kya Kamelot is a weakling. The eyes once gold now Crimson. Killer Killer, Kya Kamelot. Moscow is in a blood bath~" The lyrics he spoke never made sense but he giggled and skipped along motioning me to follow him. I followed him, lifeless and tiredly. My sword dragged behind me as I followed the boy. He kept singing pointless lyrics leading me to a bright light. Hesitantly I followed, unsure of what to do. I could feel bodies under my feet as I followed him. His singing rang through my head, pointless lyrics.
The room we went to was empty, the little boy then vanished as I looked around.
"This is a place a destroyer should be." A voice echoed through the halls. I turned my head looking at every door. This room was circular having two stories but a door every two feet.
"Kya my precious one, you enlighten me, making me a proud father." The voice was getting louder and clearer.
"But you, are one terrible father." I slammed my sword onto the ground. "Where is he?!" I shouted.
"Patience child, the fun is only beginning~."
"What fun?!"
"My fun..."

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